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full text of the article

BEECHWORTH POLICE COURT .—On Tuesday about two hundred persons attended at the above court to hear the case of horse stealing, preferred against Aaron Sherritt by Mrs Byrne, of the Woolshed, near Beechworth.Much interest is taken in the case, for Sherritt is well known in these parts, and Mrs Byrne, the prosecution, is his aunty, and besides is the mother of Joseph Byrne, a member of the Kelly gang of outlaws.It was anticipated that some matters in connection with the latter would be elicited in evidence, and much importance was attached to the fact that Mrs Skillion, née Margaret Kelly, was present in court, having travelled from Greta the previous evening. It was even rumored that Kate, her sister, was also in the town, but this was proved to have had no foundation. Owing to the unavoidable absence, in Albury, of Mr F Brown, the counsel for the accused, and on the application of Mr Zincke, a remand until Saturday next was granted (bail to be enlarged) much to the disappointment of the crowd assembled.

 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

We have taken care to reproduce this document but areas of the original text may been damaged.

We also apologise for any typographical errors.
