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John King / Kelly

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{{KellyGang Side}}

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I was Ned Kelly's younger half brother. John's father was George King. He was brought up by Maggie and Kate while his mother was in goal

'''Links to the KellyGang''' '''below''' , [[#fitz|Fitzpatrick Incident]]., [[#ea|Later Years]] , Family

== Family ==

'''father''' George King '''mother''' [[Mrs Ellen Kelly|Ellen Quinn]] '''half brothers''' and '''sisters''' [[Mary Jane Kelly|Mary Jane]], [[Anne Kelly and Alex Gunn|Anne]] 11/53, [[Ned Kelly|Edward (Ned)]] 12/54, [[Margaret Skillion|Margaret (Maggie]]) 55?, [[James Kelly|James]] 59, [[Dan Kelly|Daniel (Dan)]] 61, [[Kate Kelly|Catherine (Kate)]] 63, [[Grace Kelly|Grace]] 8/65, [[Ellen (Frost) Kelly|Ellen]] 74, John 75 and sister [[Alice (King) Kelly|Alice]] 78

== Links to the KellyGang ==

'''Fitzpatrick Incident [[15-04-78 Fitzgerald incident|15/4/1878]]''' I don't really remember my father [[George King|George King]]. I was born in March 1875

I was about 3 years old at the time. I was at home at the time when [[Fitzpatrick|Fitzpatrick]] came. Later when I when my mother was in Gaol I was looked after by my elder half sisters [[Margaret Skillion|Maggie]] and [[Kate Kelly|Kate]] other members of the family until my [[Mrs Ellen Kelly|mother]] was finally released from gaol

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Photograph '''Later years''' I ended up as a copper in Western Australia. See my brother [[James Kelly|Jim]]'s version ([[Sydney Sun, Cookson, 30_08_1911_4|BWC]])

[[Category:People]] [[Category:People starting with K]] [[Category:John King Kelly]] [[Category:Kelly Family]] [[Category:Bushrangers]]


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