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There is nothing fresh. The police party which went out on Friday in search of the supposed Kelly gang returned to-day without finding the men. Inspector Brooke Smith has left for Beechworth. Three robberies were committed on Saturday night, viz., 70lb. of German sausages, from Mora's butcher's shop; two bags of flour, from Graham's flour-mill; and a horse, from the Riverina Hotel. These are supposed to have gone with the party spoken of in Saturday's telegram.


The party of police that left here on Saturday week returned last Saturday night, with- out finding the slightest trace of the Kelly gang. The weather while they were out, so one of the men says, was frightful.

About a month since (observes the Ovens and Murray Advertiser of the 28th ult.) a warrant was issued for the arrest of Aaron Sherritt, eldest son of Mr John Sherritt, of Sheepstation Creek, a wild place four miles from Beechworth. The "wanted" man had, however, made good his escape, and remained in hiding until, it appears, a short time back, when it is stated he had been for the past week living at his father's house to the knowledge of several persons, but no word was given by them to the police at Beechworth. On Sunday night, the 22nd June, the matter was reported to the police at Eldorado, and two troopers started immediately to Sherritt's house, over which they stood sentry until daybreak next morning, when John Sherritt, a brother, 21 years of age, of the wanted man, who is two years older, opened the door. The myrmidons of the law, highly delighted with the apparently easy manner in which their man had fallen into their hands, being in ambush rushed upon John, arrested him in Her Majesty's name and handcuffed him.

They were about bearing him away in triumph, when he earnestly pointed out to them the grave mistake that had been made, and besought his captors to lead him to Mr. Crawford's selection hard by on the creek, when the men working would, he assured them, immediately identify him. This request was complied with, and the captured man identified as John, and not Aaron Sherritt. The disappointed troopers returned to the house, but, as may readily be supposed, Aaron had once more made good his escape. It is stated that Joseph Byrne, the outlaw, was with Aaron Sherritt at the time of the arrest of the latter's brother, but there is no reliable proof of such being the case, although it is not considered to be at all un- likely.

end 79_07_01_Argus1.html

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