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BENALLA, Saturday

The Land Board (Mr Holmes, P M, and Superintendent Barclay) gave its decision this morning in the cases of alleged dummyism on the Tullagaroopna, Seven Creeks, and Taminick stations, which have been under investigation during the last few days. Mr Holmes said,-The findings of this board in the several cases are as follow: - Tullagaroopna run (Mr William Fraser), David Fraser, Mary Fraser, John Fraser, William Fraser. Anne Taylor Fraser, Grace Howe, and Thomas Quin - Not complied with the conditions of their licence, not bona fide selectors. Their licences to be cancelled, and their improvements forfeited. John Dooley, Tames M'Intosh, Richard Brascher, and George Howe-Not bona fide selectors. Recommend that their licences be not issued, and that all their fees be forfeited. Annie Howe - Not a bona fide selector. Thomas W Farquhar -Not a bona fide selector. Notice to occupy to be cancelled, and all fees forfeited.

Arthur Vinge, George Vinge, and William Vince -Not bona fide selectors. Recommend no licence to issue. With reference to the pastoral licensee of the run, we say that William Fraser, the gentleman who occupies the run, and who claims an interest in the run through or under the licensee, did employ certain persons-vis, Grace Howe, John Fraser, Dooley M'Intosh, Brasher, George Howe, Annie Howe, David Fraser, Mary Fraser William Fraser, Ann Taylor Fraser, and Thomas W Farquhar - to select allotments of land on Tullagaroopna run, contrary to the provisions of the Land Act of 1869.

Seven creeks run (Mr Younghusband) Robert Reynolds and Alexander Andrews - Not complied with the conditions of their licences, not bona fide selectors. Licences to be cancelled and all improvements forfeited. With reference to the licensee, we say there is not sufficient evidence to prove to our satisfaction that the licensee of this run, or any person claiming an interest through or under the licensee, has employed any person to apply for land contrary to the true intent of the provisions of the Land Act of 1869, or has been privy to any fraud upon the Land Act.

Taminick run (Messrs Cowell and Spicer), Richard Barry, Garrett Barry, Angus M'Donald, John Doyle, and J R Cowell - Not complied with the conditions of their licences, not bonâ fide selectors. Recommend that their licences be cancelled, and their improvements forfeited. J W Cowell -No appearance Recommend that his notice to occupy be cancelled Edgar Larkins and S Larkins -Not dealt with. With reference to the licensee of this run, the judgment of the board is that there is not sufficient evidence to prove to our satisfaction that the licensee or any person claiming an interest through or under the licensee, has employed any person to apply for land under the Land Act of 1869, contrary to the true intent of the provisions of the Land Act; but that there is sufficient evidence to raise a reasonable suspicion, or, rather, that the conduct of Mr Spicer does show grounds for a reasonable suspicion, that he was interested in the application made by the Larkins. Mr Nixon, district surveyor, said that, in the case of the Tullagaroopna run, the board had made no recommendation concerning the licence. Mr Holmes -We cannot recommend any thing. There is no evidence that any licence existed. The proceedings then terminated.  

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