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Melbourne Daily Telegraph (3)

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In consequence of the unsettled state of public feeling in the country around Benalla and Wangaratta, and Beechworth, the police have been called in from the out-lying districts to be available in the event of an outbreak.The Government have determined to keep up the strength of the force now in the district for some few weeks, or at least until things assume a more peaceable aspect.



On the fact becoming, generally known in the Glenrowan district that it was Mr Curnow, the local State schoolmaster, who gave the timely warning to the pilot engine in advance of the first special train, and thereby frustrated the terrible designs of the was deemed advisable, lest the friends of the outlaws should attempt to avenge their remove him to Benalla, which was done on Tuesday.This, however, was not though sufficient security by Mr Ramsay, the Minister of Education, who directed Mr Curnow to report himself in Melbourne at his earliest convenience and in compliance with this order that gentleman arrived by the 2 o'clock train yesterday in company with Mrs Curnow and infant, and a lady relative, who went up to Glenrowan from Melbourne on Friday last to spend a few weeks.After an interview with Captain Standish and the Minister of Education.Mr Curnow declined to make any statement concerning the part he had taken in the affair.Mr Ramsay warmly complimented Mr Curnow, and said that the Government felt he had acted in a most meritorious manner.Had it not been for his timely warning, a large amount of life would have been sacrificed, and every one who was in the first special train felt under deep obligation to him.In conclusion, Mr Ramsay said that every precaution would at once be taken to preserve him from insult and injury, and the Government would see that he received a satisfactory recognition.Mr Curnow then reported himself to Mr Brown, secretary of Education, who granted him a week’s leave absence, pending the completion of arrangements.The school which Mr Curnow managed for the last four years was not a large one, being regularly attended by about twenty children, and was situated about a mile on the Melbourne side of Glenrowan. close to the railway line.



The wound which Superintendent Hare received through his wrist was much improved yesterday, and while he is not by any means out of danger, it is satisfactory to state he is sufficiently recovered to leave his bed.He left Melbourne by the afternoon train yesterday on a visit to the estate of the Hon WJ Clarke, at Sunbury, where it is probable he will remain and recoup his health in the beneficial climate which that locality enjoys till able to resume duty.



By Electric Telegraph

(From Our Own Correspondent)


The inquest on the body of Aaron Sherritt was continued at Beechworth to day, having been adjourned from Monday last.

Ellen Barry (examination continued) Byrne placed her between himself and the door when she was outside. The only opening in the back of the house was the door. Persons occupying the bedroom could not fire through the back door at Byrne. To my knowledge, two shots were fired at the back of the house, but no shots were fired by the police. Constable Duross retired to the bedroom in order that the presence of the police should not be known. I saw no shot fired in the door. I did not see Dan Kelly fire a shot.I heard nobody else about the place but Byrne and Dan Kelly, and have no reason to behave that their associates were present.

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