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Royal Commission report day 19 page 28

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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The Royal Commission evidence for 13/5/1881


full text

(see also introduction to day 19)

Const Thomas Reilly giving evidence

6598 You were not supposed to fire into the house?— I could not; it would not take any effect.

6599 You were simply watching for any of them to come out?— Yes.

6600 How often did you fire during the day?— I did not fire at all, it was no use.

6601 You simply stayed there and watched?— Yes.

6602 What time did you see Mr. Sadleir after that?— I saw him at different times during the day further out.

6603 Where was he?— At the further end of the house, and partly in front.

6604 How far from the house?— About 100 yards from the house.

6605 Did you see Mr. O'Connor at all?— I did not see Mr. O'Connor at all till the afternoon, when he came down with Mr. Sadleir.

6606 Would you have seen him if he came round?— I would have seen him, if he was on the field, as well as I saw Mr. Sadleir.

6607 What do you call the field?— Round the house.

6608 Did you see the black trackers?— I saw them come out of the drain once, just as the people rushed out of the house.

6609 What time was that, do you estimate?— I could not exactly say, I took no time whatever.

6610 Did you see Mr. O'Connor with the black trackers then?— No.

6611 Not until the people were let out?— Yes.

6612 Where was he then?— With Mr. Sadleir.

6613 Where was Mr. Sadleir?— At the south side, the Melbourne end of the house, and he came round.

6614 And the people came out of the front?— Yes.

6615 What time did you see Mr. Sadleir?— At a distance, when the prisoners came out at the other end of the house, the Wangaratta end; but before the house was fired I saw him come to the south end.

6616 When you saw him with the prisoners Mr. O'Connor was not with him?— I-did not see him with him.

6617 Do you know when the last shot came from the house by the outlaws?— I saw one of the outlaws at a window facing this end, about twelve o'clock .

6618 Do you know which it was?— I could not say, but he hit something against his chest, and I heard the armour ring.

6619 Did you see any shots fired after that from there?— Yes, from the window, at one o'clock .

6620 If people at the other side of the house had not seen any shots fired, and said there were none, might it be true, so far as they were concerned; we have it in evidence from some witnesses that there were no shots fired after eleven o'clock?— I would not be sure there were shots fired after that.

6621 One of the police has sworn he was at the back, and no shot was fired—might it not be true of the back of the house?— Yes; a man might fire there, and I not see him; or a man fire from the front, and the others not see him.

The witness withdrew

Const Thomas Kirkham sworn and examined .

6622 What are you?— Mounted-constable of police, stationed at Benalla.

6623 Do you remember the day of the attack on Mrs. Jones's house?— I do.

6624 Were you there?— I was.

6625 What time did you come?— I went by the special train with Mr. Hare, from Benalla.

6626 What time was that?— We left here between one and two.

6627 What time did you get in?— As near as I could remember, about three o'clock .....

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