The Argus at KellyGang 1/12/1880

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The river trade season is now fast drawing to a close. Most of the vessels returning to port bring very small cargoes of wool, and a number of boats are preparing to lay up for the season. The greater portion of the out-going vessels sail for Wentworth at which place they tarry till the Darling River rises to a sufficient height to allow of navigation.

The Ruby, steamer, which in August last foundered in the Darling river, has for several weeks past been on the slips at Echuca, undergoing extensive repairs She will be re-launched to-morrow.

The County Court was brought to an abrupt conclusion yesterday, as his Honour Judge Trench had to leave to open the Sandhurst County Court this morning. Great complaints are made at the slowness with which Judge Trench transacts business. After every court he leaves an immense list of remnants.

Harvest operations are now pretty well advanced. The crops look well, and on the timbered country it is expected that an, average yield of 15 bushels of wheat per acre will be obtained.

The Murray election is creating great excitement. Meetings are now held daily at Moama, and the contest is expected to be a very close one Thursday is the polling day, and the morning train from Melbourne is expected to bring voters from Melbourne who will come to exercise their franchise for either the Murray, Balranald or Wentworth electorates, for all of which Moama has been proclaimed a polling place..

Arrived - Burrabogie, Little Wonder, Alfred, and Atnes, from Hay..

Sailed-Rob Roy, for the Darling, Pearl, for Balranald, and Kingfisher, for Hay.  



All persons claiming to participate in the REWARD offered by the Governments of Victoria and New South Wales, and certain banks trading in the latter colony, are hereby requested to SEND full PARTICULARS (in writing) of such CLAIM, addressed to " Secretary Kelly Reward Board, Post-office, Melbourne, Victoria on or before the 31st day of De- cember, 1880, after which date no claims will be received.

Members of the police force must submit claims through the heads of their respective departments.

Full particulars concerning the terms upon which the reward may be claimed will be found in the third supplement to Victorian "Government Gazette" of Friday, February 14, 1879; in a supplement to Victorian " Government Gazette" of Friday, February 21, 1879, and in a Gazette Extraordinary published by the Government of New South Wales on the 18th of February, 1879.  

Claimants must give full name and address.

By order of the Board. Melbourne, November 24, 1880. 

 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

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