The Argus at KellyGang 23/5/1883

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Mr Barry has entered upon the consideration of the report of the Police Commission on the re organisation of the force. He had a long consultation yesterday with the chief commissioner, who had annotated the document, and so far as they advanced they were able to decide upon some important alterations. The proposal to appoint two other commissioners with the chief commissioner to administer the force was not adopted, as Mr Berry preferred leaving the entire responsibility with one superior officer. The increased rate of pay for the force was adopted, as was also the allowance of 6d a day to married constables in lieu of quarters. The detective branch, it was determined, should be merged in the general force, the men to rank as plain clothes sergeants, and it was farther decided that the chief commissioner could remove any man whose character might be good but who might be otherwise inefficient from detective duty and place him in a less onerous position. The subject will be further considered to day.

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