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Melbourne Daily Telegraph (8)

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A strong and well armed party went out here to night, as information has been received that the relatives and friends of the gang who were at the wake at Mrs Skillion’s, intend coming down on Glenrowan and burning the police station and school teacher’s residence, in revenge for the action of the police. Threats to that effect have been heard to be uttered by the near relations of the outlaws, and it is expected that to night, after the funeral and when inflamed with drink and their worst passions aroused, a crowd of the sympathisers will swoop down on Glenrowan and commit some fearful crime.  The temporary wire having been taken down there is no communication with Glenrowan, so we must wait until the arrival of the train to know the result.  The relatives and sympathisers made no secret of their hatred to the police and determination for revenge, so that in all likelihood, instead of this being the beginning of the end it may be only the commencement of a still longer and more terrible time of terror than that now supposed to be past.  Sergeant Steele’s life has also been threatened, and already revenge, although in a small degree, has been taken on him by poisoning several of his grey hounds.  This is supposed to have been done by a man who was seen at the police station as the party returned from the fight with the outlaws, but who escaped before being recognised.


Some strange disclosures have come to light regarding the movements of Byrne.  Some months previous to this last outbreak, it appears he had been seen frequently in Beechworth, where he was in the habit of going to see a girl.  He was positively engaged to her (strange as it may seem), but was mistaken, except by those who were in the secret, for Patsy, his brother, until one night a child of a neighbour happened to overhear a conversation between the girl and her lover, whom the former addressed as Joe, and the remarks then made were repeated and circulated so much (although the police did not attach importance to the rumour) that Byrne discontinued his visits, and for several weeks he was not seen.  But a few nights before shooting Aaron Sherritt he turned up again for a final visit to the girl, and as it proved, this was the last time they met on earth.


A magisterial inquiry was held on Wednesday morning at Powell’s Victoria hotel, Benalla, before Mr R M’Bean JP on the body of Martin Cherry, who was accidentally shot at Mrs Jone’s hotel, Glenrowan, on Monday, during the attack on the Kelly gang.  Inspector Sadlier conducted the inquiry.  Dr Nicholson’s evidence was that he found a bullet wound in the lower part of the left side of the belly.  The wound must have caused the fatally.  Under any circumstances it must have caused death.  The following is the verdict returned:- “That death was caused by a gunshot wound received during the time he was a prisoner of the Kelly gang in Jone’s hotel, Glenrowan, on Monday last, and that no blame can be attached either to any member of the police force or to any civilians who were then firing at the Kelly gang and Jone’s hotel and kitchen.


[By Electric Telegraph]

(From Our Own Correspondent)

Benalla Wednesday

No inquest was held, in consequence of the coroner not being able to obtain a conveyance to take him to Mrs Skillion’s at the eleven mile, where the bodies were, and so the funeral took place at 2pm to day, and was attended by 100 friends and relatives, and everything passed off perfectly quiet.  No threats were used.  The threats were used.  The friends expressed a wish that Ned had met the same fate rather than be hanged, which was also expressed by Ned Kelly himself.  Ettie Hart, the elder sister of Steve, was greatly affected during the night with hysteries, and had to be removed.  All seemed inclined to comply with whatever demands the police made, and the graves were not filled in for some time, in case inquests might still be necessary; but the police did not put in an appearance, and the bodies were interred in an 8ft square grave, side by side, in the Greta Cemetery, and the friends then dispersed quietly to their own homes.


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