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The Argus at KellyGang 14/12/1878 (2)

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These are simply a continuation of the Strathbogie Ranges . They could not, it is supposed, have travelled very fast, on account of the weight of arms, ammunition, and gold which they have now to carry. Four saddled horses answering the description of those ridden by the gang were seen on the top of the Big-hill, in one of Mr Younghusbands paddocks on Wednesday, by a gentleman who was travelling by coach from Merton to Longwood. Another person on the coach observed a boy who appeared to be armed, watching the road from the top of an isolated rock, some 12ft or 14ft in height, which commanded an extensive view. This was about 4 o'clock in the afternoon.  

Members of the police force complain that the widows of the late Sergeant Kennedy and Constable Lonigan have not received a shilling from the Government since their husbands were murdered, which is now some six weeks ago, and that the hardship is aggravated by the fact that arrears of pay were due to the unfortunate men. It is further stated that the transmission of money to the poor widows is delayed by sheer red-tapeism. If these allegations prove to be true, they will rouse the indignation of the whole community, and in the meantime they are highly calculated to dishearten the members of the force who are called upon to risk their lives in the capture of the murderers.

The suggestion that the Garrison Corps should be sent into the bushranging district to protect the townships and the banks has commended itself to the Chief Secretary, who yesterday telegraphed to Capitan Standish, offering to send up the corps. Up to a late hour last night however, nothing definite had been done in the matter. There is no question that something of this kind is urgently required. At Wood's Point there are two banks -branches of the Victoria and Colonial which are understood to contain at present a large amount of treasure. Both of them have generally a large reserve of cash for the purpose of buying gold, which is sent down to Melbourne under escort. The last escort from Woods Point passed within a few miles of the scene of the police murders on the day before the tragedy, and it is therefore supposed that the bushrangers may have been out looking for it when they fell upon the police camp. Only one policeman is stationed at Wood's Point and the banks have very reasonably telegraphed to the Government for additional protection. The townships of Gaffney's Creek Lauraville, and Jamieson, where there are branches of the Colonial Bank, are also only favoured   with one constable each. It will be remembered that this subject was brought under the notice of the Government by Mr Graves before Parliament closed, but it has been virtually ignored by the authorities. A rumour was current yesterday that an attempt had been made to stick up the bank at Jamieson, but there has been no confirmation of the statement.

In consequence of the latest exploit of the outlaws, the Government have decided to increase the reward for the apprehension or capture dead or alive, of Edward Kelly, from £500 to £1,000. This is notified in the Government Gazette and 700 or 800 calico posters, with that announcement, were last night forwarded to the districts in which the outrages were perpetrated. The total reward is thus brought up to £2,500. It is also announced in the Gazette that the Governor with the advice of the Executive Council, has appointed Inspecting-superintendent Nicolson to be assistant-commissioner of police.


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