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Royal Commission report day 19 page 41

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The Royal Commission evidence for 13/5/1881

(full text transcription)

(see also introduction to day 19)

'Const Thomas Kirkham giving evidence'

7008 You consider yourself a good shot?— I do.

7009 Are you supplied with plenty of ammunition for practice?— Since I have been in the district I have had a lot of practice; since I joined the force.

7010 You are supplied with plenty of ammunition. How do they serve it out to you; in what quantities?— At the present time I have twenty rounds regulation with the Martini-Henry rifle, and I have eighteen for my revolvers.

7011 How long is that to last?— I am supposed to keep that always on hand; I am not supposed to use that.

7012 Except in active service?— Yes.

7013 Then there is none given you for practice?— There is none served out and allowed to fire it off without orders.

7014 Suppose you were to use those twenty rounds you have now, what would be the result?— I should have to account for it.

7015 If you told them you had used it for practice you would be supplied with other twenty?— Yes.

7016 Would you have to pay for it?— I should not use it without orders.

7017 If you applied for instructions, would they give you orders to use it?— Yes, I think so.

7018 And give you more?— I think so.

7019 You have not been restricted at all?— No, I have not.

7020 Have you ever heard of an order being issued restricting ammunition?— I did hear of such in Benalla.

7021 That is for practice?— I heard something to that effect.

7022 By whom?— I could not say.

7023 There was no order to you to be careful?— No.

7024 You were never restricted?— No.

7025 Do you know if any members of the force buy ammunition for themselves out of their own pockets?— Yes.

7026 Why do they do that if you say there is no restriction?— They may have bought it to have more practice on their own account.

7027 Because they are afraid to ask for more?— I could not say whether they have been afraid to ask for more.

7028 Do you not think if you had plenty of ammunition you would be very foolish to go and buy some out of your own pocket?— Yes; but I know of constables who, when we were getting plenty of practice, have sent to town for boxes of ammunition on their own account. For instance, before Mr. Nicolson left.

7029 Did they tell you why they did it?— Those men sent for that to make themselves perfect shots.

7030 Did you ever use more of your ammunition than what you were instructed to use by your superior officer for practice?— No.

7031 Did you receive instructions to use a certain quantity when you went out and no more?— Yes. When we go for practice get instructions to use six rounds, and we do that, and then we come back and get them renewed.

7032 How often is that—once a month?— I do not think there is any time stated. I have had a lot of practice during Mr. Nicolson's and also Mr. Hare's time, and since; I have had a lot of practice in the force.

7033 You had plenty when Mr. Nicolson was here?— Yes.

7034 And plenty when Mr. Hare was here?— Yes; because I was in charge of Mr. O'Connor's boys, and we went out often by Mr. O'Connor's order.

7035 Did you see other members of the force having plenty?— I could not say.

7036 You did not go out with the other members?— No, bar one or two occasions. I went very often with Mr. O'Connor's boys, by Mr. O'Connor's orders.....

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