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The Argus at KellyGang 19/3/1879 (2)

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 19/3/1879|see previous]]



It is now generally believed that the four men seen at Gunbower Island were the Kellys. Four horses are said to have been found turned adrift in a fatigued state from over-riding. The horses are not claimed by anyone in the district No further information about the four men seen at Pental Island, 40 miles by river above Swan-hill, has come to hand.


A Queensland [[Police Trackers|black tracker]] arrived here last night, and will leave some time during to night with a large party of police, the destination is supposed to be Wombat Ranges. There has been some activity in the camp, and it is said important information has been received from some quarter.



Sir,-By an advertisement in ''The Argus'' it will be observed that a '''[[home_reference|Life of The Kellys]]''' is about to be published in Melbourne. I do not know whether the law provides any machinery for the suppression of publications of this nature, but of this I am certain, that the book or pamphlet in question, should it prove to be of that class, which from the subject of it we may infer that it will be, is calculated to work widespread and enduring mischief amongst the youth of this country. There is already far too much sympathy with the murderous Kelly gang felt and expressed, sometimes by persons who ought to be ashamed of such sentiments, and all right thinking persons should protest against the issue of any publication making heroes of those ruffians, or glorifying their cowardly deeds of plunder and of blood.. I trust, Sir, that you will lend your powerful aid to prevent the dissemination of such poisonous stuff amongst our boys as this book may safely be assumed to contain, and thus earn the gratitude of heads of families, not only in Victoria, but throughout the whole of Australia. It is strange, and much to be deplored, that persons who look upon the robbing or the banks at Euroa and Jerilderie as fine pieces of generalship on the part of the ruffianly outlaws, or at least as exploits to be made merry over, seem to lose sight of the fact that there is neither generalship nor pluck required by an armed gang in attacking peaceful citizens, taken unawares, and that the ruffians began their bushranging career by the murder, in cold blood, of men discharging their duty to their country, whose widows and orphans are now left to mourn over the crime which has rendered their homes desolate.-I am', &c, A. J. K. Drummond-street, Carlton, March 17. [We are obliged to our correspondent for calling attention to the advertisement in question, which has been stopped.-ED. .A]


'''[[The Argus at KellyGang 19/3/1879|.1.]] , .2. ,'''

[[Cookson, 28_08_1911_4|Hall]]<br />

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[[The Argus at KellyGang 18/3/1879|Previous edition]] [[The Argus at KellyGang 20/3/1879|Next edition]]


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