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Ovens & Murray Advertiser (3)

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=== full text of the article ===

== Howlong Police Court ==

At this Court on Wednesday last, 2nd April, Henry Wyse was charged with stealing £7 from the till of John Costello, the landlord of the [[Howlong (2)|Mill Hotel]], [[Howlong (2)|Howlong]]. Prisoner was defended by Mr. Johnson. From the evidence given it appears that the prisoner had, during the absence of Mrs. Costello, taken the money from the till, and that it was dropped on the floor of the bar by him about an hour afterwards. The notes were seen to fall close to his foot by a farmer named Everett. Mr. Johnson argued in defence that it was impossible to prove a felony, as none of the witnesses could identify either the notes or the silver. Capt. Brownrigg PM., ruled that a prime facie case had been made out; and the prisoner was fully committed for trail at Albury.

== Land Board at [[Wangaratta|Wangaratta]] ==

A. land board, consisting of Mr ET Dunn (of the land office Benalla), Mr Wm Ward (Chairman of the Beechworth Mining Board), and Mr Andrew [[Moyhu|Byrne]] (President of the [[Oxley|Oxley]] Shire Council) was held at the Court house on last Friday afternoon. The following applications under the 19th section, were dealt with:- Edwin Batt, 228a 2r 26p, Bundalong; recommended. Edwin Smith, 100a [[Glenrowan|Glenrowan]]; recommended. John M Morrison, 239a 3r 25p [[Laceby|Laceby]] recommended. Alex Quinn, 106a 2r 5, Laceby, recommended. Mary E Vincent 24a 0r 33p, Laceby. In this case Miss Simson did not appear, but claimed by letter to have sent a prior application. After hearing the evidence the Board decided to recommend the land to Mrs Vincent. Samuel White jun, South Wangaratta 250a recommended. William [[William Tanner|Tanner]] Myrhee and Tatong 44a 4p, recommended. [[John Tanner|John Tanner]] part of allotment 16, Myrhee 23a 1r 18p recommended. Special Cases: Nicholas Bennett's, to show cause against the forfeiture of his 49 th section holding of 1a 2r 30p North Wangaratta; postponed on account of non attendance Henry Charlton to show cause against the forfeiture of his 49th section holding of 4a 2r North Wangaratta, postponed. Sabine Dallachy, to show cause against the forfeiture of his 19 th section holding of 5a North Wangaratta postponed. The Board then adjourned.

== Amateur Performance at Wangaratta ==

The [[Wangaratta|Wangaratta]] Amateur Dramatic and Musical Club gave a very successful performance at St. George's Hall, on last Thursday evening, the proceeds of the entertainment being devoted to obtaining surgical treatment for Master A Meyers, who has been for years an invalid. The public liberally responded to the charitable appeal by crowding the hall. We notice with pleasure the increasing popularity of amateur theatrical amongst the amusements of society in the old country, and in Australia they seem likely to take a more than usually prominent place and to become a recognized method of assisting public charities, which are in great need of such aid. The Wangaratta Club have played some very excellent dramas, and their notable performances of the ‘Rent Day’ gained them praise from other towns besides their own. In this instance they confined their efforts to farce and darkey life, and were perfectly successful. The farce produced was the well-known one of ‘The Limerick Boy,’ the chief character, that of Paddy Miles, being well played by Mr Thomas Wallace. Mr J A Pyke delineated Dr Coates artistically, but he had scarcely sufficient scope for his ability. Harry, his son was efficiently played by Mr WT Sayer. The subordinates were filled by Messrs J Bevan, TW Holloway, and Reginald Ely, the letter playing the role of a rather masculine female. ‘Plantation Life on the Ohio’ took immensely, and to the singing and negro eccentricities of Messrs Barnes, Dodsworth, Wallace, Pyke, Clark, Bevan, Sayer, Entwistle and Ely gave general satisfaction. The well known musician Mr Alpine now of Albury acted as accompanist, and, we believe, gave his services gratuitously. We learned that the net proceeds of the entertainment will amount to over £30.

== Bethanga ==

Our correspondent writes: The Minister of Mines has an eye evidently on [[Bethanga|Bethanga]]. He threatened some time back if the leases taken up were not worked according to law, they should be forfeited; he is keeping his word. Pity other departments could not as faithfully keep their promises. Nothing definite has transpired here lately. Kitchingman’s Pyrites Works starts again in a week or so, and Messrs Harris and Hollow are expected to make another start shortly. Dyring is making good headway with his tribute, and is now smelting at the Company’s furnace. I shall be able to give some definite information about the [[Cotton Tree|Cotton Tree]] diggings shortly, the two batteries now being in full swing; but the diggings are being injured to an immense extent by such wretched barefaced misrepresentations as I read the other day in the “Banner”. It said a correspondent informs them a recent crushing at Cotton Tree diggings yielded an average of 16ozs to the ton, and the population is rapidly increasing; while as a fact the highest averages so far is 14dwt. Whether it is a mistake of the correspondent or the company, I don’t know, but such reports use to appear about Bethanga in early days, but your readers can confidently believe what crushings appear in your journal, for the reports are always made from the battery book, and not from an owner who may want to sell. Why, 16oz dirt would cause a rush from New Zealand. No wonder the population is rapidly increasing. Our Race Club is to the fore again. This time there is to be a grand ball and supper to wind up the season, and great preparations are being made by all parties, especially the ladies, to make the affair a grand success.


'''[[Ovens & Murray Advertiser (2)|.1.]] , .2. ,'''

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[[Category:1870s]] [[Category:1879]] [[Category:April 1879]] [[Category:The Ovens and Murray Advertiser]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1879]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:Glenrowan]] [[Category:Beechworth]] [[Category:Aaron Sherritt]] [[Category:history]]


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