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The Argus at KellyGang 18/12/1882

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The Chief Secretary, acting with the consent of the Cabinet, has taken action upon the report of the Police [[Royal Commission-followup|Commission]] regarding the conduct of Sub Inspector Larner. In the ad interim report, presented on the 12th October, the commission concluded as to Larner - "The commission, after careful and mature consideration of the evidence adduced before them, are of opinion that it is not desirable, in the interests of the public service, that Superintendent FA Winch and Sub Inspector J N Larner should be permitted to return to duty. Your commissioners therefore, recommend that these officers be called on to retire from the force without prejudice to any superannuation allowance or compensation to which by reason of service they may have become entitled." The decision of Mr Grant is in accord with this recommendation, and Mr '''Larner''' will accordingly be called upon to retire. He will receive an allowance calculated upon his term of service. He is upwards of 50 years of age, and has been 28 years in the service having joined on the 1st December, 1854 . In May, 1856, he was appointed second class sergeant, and in July,1859 first-class sergeant. It was not till the 1st July, 1877 , however that he was advanced to his present grade.