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The Argus (20)

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'''[[#ne|Edward Kelly's Condition]] , [[#kig|Kelly in Gaol]] , [[#sh|Superintendant Hare]] , [[The Argus (21)|Guard Bell's Statement]] , [[The Argus (21)|Mr Curnow's Statement]] , [[The Argus (22)|The career of the Kellys]] , [[The Argus (24)|Threatened outbreak at Greta]] , [[The Argus (25)|Statement of Guard Dowsett]] , [[The Argus (25)|The Kelly Sympathizers]] , [[The Argus (25)|The Inquiry on the body of Martin Cherry]] , [[The Argus (26)|Continuation of the Inquest on Sherritt]] , [[The Argus (30)|The Inquiry on the boy Jones]]'''

=== full text of the article ===



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Further intelligences of an exciting nature reached town yesterday with regard to the state of affairs in the district in which the Kelly gang has for so long a time been harboured. The meagre items of news that became disseminated during the earlier part of the day were made the foundation of some sensational narrative with regard to the priceedings of sympathisers with the Kellys. It transpired that there had been a scene of disorder at [[Greta|Greta]]. [[Richard Hart|Hart]] and other friends of the outlaws indulged in some wild threats stating their determination to prvent an inquest being held. An official report received during the morning reported that 50 armed men had joined Hart and his fiends. The chief commissioner of police (Captain Standish), who had returned to Melbourne, sent a body of armed police to the [[Glenrowan|district]] by the earliest train, and another detachment was sent from Wangaratta, but consequent on the great excitement prevailing in the district, the police were very guarded in their movements.

An official inquiry into the circumstances attending the death of [[Aaron Sherritt|Aaron Sherritt]] was held yesterday ay Beechworth. A mass of evidence was adduced, and the jury returned a verdict to the effect that the deceased was wilfully murdered by Joseph Byrne, aided and abetted by Daniel Kelly. The [[Courts|magisterial inquiry]] on the boy [[Jones' Glenrowan Inn|Jones]] who was shot during the Glenrowan affray was held at Wangaratta by Mr Tone JP. He considered that Jones died from wounds accidentally received.

An inquest was held at Benalla on the body of the late [[Cherry|Martin Cherry]]. After hearing the evidence of some of the officers who had taken part in the attack on the hotel at Glenrowan, the magistrate before whom the inquiry was held exonerated all the police and civilians who had taken part in firing at the hotel.

A good deal of excitement and some uneasiness were created in the city yesterday by the rumours that were in circulation leading to a fear that there would be serious troubles at Greta, but latest accounts go to show that although many of the Kelly sympathisers were in an excited state, principally through getting intoxicated at the wake at the funeral of Dan Kelly and Byrne , there was not much ground for alarm. The magisterial inquiry on the bodies of [[Steve Hart|Hart]] and [[Dan Kelly|Dan Kelly]] was not held. Mr Bickerton, JP., of Wangaratta, was prepared to start for Greta, but conveyance could not be procured in the town. After some delay, Superintendent Sadlier telegraphed to the police to get a magistrate's certificate authorising the burial of the bodies. This was obtained from Mr Tone, JP, and sent out to Greta, and the funeral proceeded.


Edward Kelly still remains in the [[Melbourne Gaol|gaol]] hospital, and is being carefully watched night and day. Having regard to his critical condition and the possibility of his injuring himself intentionally or by any mishap, ne is never left alone, a wardsman being told off to attend to him at night. Dr Shields, the medical officer of the gaol, continues to attend the prisoner, and reports a slight improvement in his condition. Kelly had a good night's sleep on Tuesday, and was suffering less pain yesterday than on the previous day. As he appeared to be stronger, the prisoner was permitted by the medical officer to see his [[Mrs Ellen Kelly|mother]], whom he had urgently requested to see. Mr Castieau, the governor of the gaol, was present during the interview, which lasted for a considerable time. The mother seemed to feel acutely pained by the intelligence of the affray at Glenrowan and at seeing the condition of her son. Kelly was in a tolerable communicative mood, and conversed freely with his mother. She was very anxious to obtain information with regard to the surviving relatives, as well as about those who had perished in the affray. She earnestly enjoined him to pay all respect and attention to his priest who was attending him.

Kelly denies having ever had the least intention of taking his life, pointing out that he had numbers of opportunities of carrying out such an intention if he had feltany desire to do so. In his references to his exploits, Kelly spoke, as of a valued servant, of his grey mare, stating that he could rely upon her to carry him away, with all his weight of armour, in the event of his being pressed by the police. He had however, no desire to escape from the scene of the last affray. Mrs Kelly was allowed to remain with her son for nearly half an hour, and was very reluctant to leave him, until she was promised that another opportunity of seeing him would shortly be afforded to her, after he should have been restored to a better state of health. At a late hour last evening Kelly was progressing favourably, and appeared to be out of danger, although still in a very weak and helpless state.


The injuries sustained by Superintendent [[Hare|Hare]] in the last conflict with the Kellys have not proved so dangerous as was anticipated at the time of his return to his residence. Dr Charles [[Ryan|Ryan]] has been in attendance upon him, and under that gentleman's treatment Mr Hare has greatly improved. No dangerous symptoms have been obserable, and there is every prospect of the injured arm healing much better than was at first anticipated. Superintendent Hare was yesterday sufficiently well to leave town, and proceeded by the evening train to Sunbury, where he will be the guest of the Hon WJ [[Rupertswood|Clarke]] for a time.


'''.1. , [[The Argus (21)|.2.]] , [[The Argus (22)|.3.]] , [[The Argus (23)|.4.]] , [[The Argus (24)|.5.]] , [[The Argus (25)|.6.]] ,''' '''[[The Argus (26)|.7.]] , [[The Argus (27)|.8.]] , [[The Argus (28)|.9.]] , [[The Argus (29)|.10.]] , [[The Argus (30)|.11.]] ,'''

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[[Category:1880s]] [[Category:1880]] [[Category:July 1880]] [[Category:The Argus]] [[Category:Newspaper]] [[Category:press report]] [[Category:1880]] [[Category:Joe Byrne]] [[Category:Aaron Sherritt]] [[Category:Glenrowan]] [[Category:history]]


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