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Royal Commission report day 15 page 19

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 4/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 4/5/1881|day 15]])

'''Constable [[Const W Duross|Duross]]''' '''giving evidence'''

<span id="rc3951">[[#rc3951|3951]]</span> You went to that point one hundred yards away?[[Jones' Glenrowan Inn|—]] Yes, I saw the other men go and followed them.

<span id="rc3952">[[#rc3952|3952]]</span> Were the other men instructed to take positions in your hearing?— I could not say.

<span id="rc3953">[[#rc3953|3953]]</span> You took your own position and took the general fire with the roof?— Yes, I saw the others fire

<span id="rc3954">[[#rc3954|3954]]</span> Were you instructed by either of your superior officers to fire?— No, I was not.

<span id="rc3955">[[#rc3955|3955]]</span> Did Mr. [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] seem to have charge of the whole affair, giving orders to all the men around?— Yes, he seemed to be in command there.

<span id="rc3956">[[#rc3956|3956]]</span> What do you mean— “seemed to be”?— He was the senior officer there.

<span id="rc3957">[[#rc3957|3957]]</span> What do you mean by “seemed”?— I mean seemed—that he was the senior officer, and I supposed he would give instructions.

<span id="rc3958">[[#rc3958|3958]]</span> Did you see him giving instructions from point to point?— Yes; I could not tell what he we doing or saying.

<span id="rc3959">[[#rc3959|3959]]</span> Did you hear him call upon the people in the house to come out?— Yes.

<span id="rc3960">[[#rc3960|3960]]</span> Did all the people in the house then come out?— Yes—and to cease firing, and the men did cease firing for a considerable time, and the people all came out in a body.

3961 Was the fire pretty hot before that?— No.

<span id="rc3962">[[#rc3962|3962]]</span> After they came out did they fire volley upon volley?— Yes; there was a little time elapsed before there was any firing, and then it was pretty warm for a time.

<span id="rc3963">[[#rc3963|3963]]</span> Were the volleys by order, or every man as he liked?— I could dot say. As soon as I saw the other men fire I fired.

<span id="rc3964">[[#rc3964|3964]]</span> Did you put down your gun from your shoulder, and then lift it again and fire?— Yes.

3965 To see where you hit?— Yes

<span id="rc3966">[[#rc3966|3966]]</span> You cannot remember when the outlaws ceased firing from the house—how long before it was burnt?— The house was burnt down about four or five o’clock .

<span id="rc3967">[[#rc3967|3967]]</span> The outlaws ceased to fire about eleven?— No; I think I heard some man say that one of them came out, and tapped his armour.

3968 You did not see it yourself?— No.

<span id="rc3969">[[#rc3969|3969]]</span> You saw the house when it was set on fire?— Yes.

3970 You saw the priest enter?— Yes.

<span id="rc3971">[[#rc3971|3971]]</span> How far were the police from the house when the priest went in?— There were some of them nearer than others. He went up from near the front of the house, and I think he went in the back door, and came out and put out his hand.

<span id="rc3972">[[#rc3972|3972]]</span> Do you call the back door the one nearest the station?— No, that leading to the back yard.

3973 On the other side you mean?— Yes.

<span id="rc3974">[[#rc3974|3974]]</span> How far were the nearest police from the house when the priest went in?— I should say about 50 or 60 yards.

<span id="rc3975">[[#rc3975|3975]]</span> Did you see the [[Matthew Gibney|priest]] in?— Yes.

3976 And go out?— Yes.

<span id="rc3977">[[#rc3977|3977]]</span> Did you see his action?— He held up his hand.

<span id="rc3978">[[#rc3978|3978]]</span> And then after that did the police go up?— Yes, they rushed the house then.

<span id="rc3979">[[#rc3979|3979]]</span> They were then about 60 yards off when he raised his hands?— Yes.

3980 And about that time the priest went in?— Yes.

<span id="rc3981">[[#rc3981|3981]]</span> ''By Mr. Sadleir''. —You said I ordered you to fire at the bricks—was not that as late as one o'clock in the afternoon?— It might have been still later on.

<span id="rc3982">[[#rc3982|3982]]</span> Was not the supposition then that they would go in the chimney?— Yes; I recollect that the prisoners when they came out told you or some one that they were in the chimney.

<span id="rc3983">[[#rc3983|3983]]</span> Did we also try to fire through the wooden end, into the breastwork at the other end, right across the other side?— I believe it was done, I do not know of my own knowledge.

<span id="rc3984">[[#rc3984|3984]]</span> ''By the Commission''. —Did you get instructions from your officers to do that?— Yes.

<span id="rc3985">[[#rc3985|3985]]</span> Did you do it?— Yes, I did, to the best of my belief.

<span id="rc3986">[[#rc3986|3986]]</span> ''By Mr. Sadleir''. —Do you remember where Dixon and Armstrong were standing?— I remember where [[Const J Dixon|Dixon]] and [[Const Armstrong|Armstrong]] were standing.

3987 At the tree directly opposite the door?— Yes.

<span id="rc3988">[[#rc3988|3988]]</span> Is not that tree inside the railway fence?— Yes.....

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