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Royal Commission report day 16 page 4

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 5/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 5/5/1881|day 16]])

'''Constable Thomas Patrick [[Const T Dowling|Dowling]] giving evidence'''

<span id="rc4231">[[#rc4231|4231]]</span> Did the women come in ultimately—that would be before daylight?— It was after the third or fourth shot that went they came in. Shortly after the time I mentioned about not shooting because they were outside, they came in, and were running in and out of the door several times. We could not keep them quiet, so we concluded not to let them out again, and we put them under the bed.

<span id="rc4232">[[#rc4232|4232]]</span> Was that to give you more room or for their protection?— For their protection, and also to give us more room, as the bedroom was very small, and they were apt to be shot, running in and out the way they were doing.

<span id="rc4233">[[#rc4233|4233]]</span> Shot by whom?— They might have been by us, supposing we did fire at any time.

<span id="rc4234">[[#rc4234|4234]]</span> What size was the room?— About 11 feet by 10, I should think.

<span id="rc4235">[[#rc4235|4235]]</span> What size was the bedstead—was it a double bed?— Yes, I think about six by five or four.

<span id="rc4236">[[#rc4236|4236]]</span> What else was on the room on the floor?— Some boxes.

<span id="rc4237">[[#rc4237|4237]]</span> How much space would they take up?— About one corner at the head of the bed.

<span id="rc4238">[[#rc4238|4238]]</span> So there was very little standing space for you?— Very little standing space. I remember, when I was lying on the floor, I could not stretch my full length through the boxes being in the corner.

<span id="rc4239">[[#rc4239|4239]]</span> The bed was under the front window?— Yes; we also heard a dog barking and making a rush every now and then, as if he was running at something.

<span id="rc4240">[[#rc4240|4240]]</span> Did the dogs give any alarm before the arrival of the men?— Not that I heard of.

<span id="rc4241">[[#rc4241|4241]]</span> How many dogs were there?— One. At daylight in the morning Constables [[Const Armstrong|Armstrong]] and [[Const R Alexander|Alexander]] went outside.

<span id="rc4242">[[#rc4242|4242]]</span> Did either of the constables leave the room before daylight?— Armstrong, I believe, went outside and covered Sherritt up, and put the fire out. That would be about 12 o'clock .

<span id="rc4243">[[#rc4243|4243]]</span> Was the door closed before that?— Yes; he closed them himself, I believe.

<span id="rc4244">[[#rc4244|4244]]</span> Were they closed before that?— Yes.

<span id="rc4245">[[#rc4245|4245]]</span> Who closed them?— Armstrong and Alexander, before they went out, closed them with their guns.

<span id="rc4246">[[#rc4246|4246]]</span> You could have done the same when you looked over on the bag of flour?— No, not very well with the gun.

<span id="rc4247">[[#rc4247|4247]]</span> Was this partition (''pointing to the plan'') across from wall-plate to wall-plate—about the same height as the wall-plate?— Yes, about that.

<span id="rc4248">[[#rc4248|4248]]</span> And the doors opened back to that partition?— lest

<span id="rc4249">[[#rc4249|4249]]</span> Could not you have closed them when looking over?— If I had had a gun.

<span id="rc4250">[[#rc4250|4250]]</span> Could you not have got some one to assist you with a gun?— I do not see how I could. I had a revolver only when I got on the partition.

<span id="rc4251">[[#rc4251|4251]]</span> Your three comrades were in the bedroom?— Yes, one at each side of the door then.

<span id="rc4252">[[#rc4252|4252]]</span> You heard voices till daylight in the morning?— Yes.

<span id="rc4253">[[#rc4253|4253]]</span> When Armstrong and Alexander went out the doors were open?— No; they closed then with their guns.

<span id="rc4254">[[#rc4254|4254]]</span> In what position were they then?— They were at the bedroom door.

<span id="rc4255">[[#rc4255|4255]]</span> And the doors were not closed until that time?— No.

<span id="rc4256">[[#rc4256|4256]]</span> At that time you were under the impression that those people who fired were outside?— Yes.

<span id="rc4257">[[#rc4257|4257]]</span> You said you kept the women inside for fear you would shoot them. Did you shoot after that?— No; they stopped talking outside, so we thought it would be useless. There was not a shot fired. We could hear them at the side of the hut.

<span id="rc4258">[[#rc4258|4258]]</span> Was that fancy?— No, I am sure it was not fancy. I made the remark to my mates several times during the night.

<span id="rc4259">[[#rc4259|4259]]</span> You each had a gun in the bedroom at the time you describe?— Yes.

<span id="rc4260">[[#rc4260|4260]]</span> What was the character of those guns?— They were double-barrelled breech-loaders.

<span id="rc4261">[[#rc4261|4261]]</span> And loaded with what?— Wire cartridges.

<span id="rc4262">[[#rc4262|4262]]</span> Bullets or shot?— Shot.

<span id="rc4263">[[#rc4263|4263]]</span> What was the character of the shot?— That I could not say.

''Mr. [[Hare|Hare]]'' . —They are pellets, B shot, 14 or 16 to the ounce and a half of shot, and they use half a shot in a cartridge. They were not all wire cartridge......

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