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Royal Commission report day 18 page 21

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Story of the KellyGang - the Royal Commission evidence

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== The Royal Commission evidence for 11/5/1881 ==


=== full text ===

(see also introduction to [[Royal Commission report 11/5/1881|day 18]])

''''''Constable Alfred John [[Const Faulkiner|Faulkiner]]''' giving evidence'''

<span id="rc5834">[[#rc5834|5834]]</span> What was their opinion about it?— That Mr. [[Brooke Smith|Brook Smith]] was not capable of taking charge.

<span id="rc5835">[[#rc5835|5835]]</span> ''By the Commission (to Mr. Hare''). —Did you act upon the receipt of this letter in consequence of the information in it?— No.

<span id="rc5836">[[#rc5836|5836]]</span> That is the letter of the 16th?— No, I did not.

<span id="rc5837">[[#rc5837|5837]]</span> ''By Mr. Sadleir (to Mr. [[Hare|Hare]])''. —In supporting Constable Falkiner's claim to the reward, what was the valuable information he brought in?— I think Mr. [[Sadleir|Sadleir]] is under a little misapprehension in this matter. He was out of the room when Falkiner gave his evidence with regard to the interview with me. I considered the information in those letters of very little service, but I considered the information he brought in by word of mouth to me of great importance, and upon that I sent him back again, because he was not certain whether it was the [[Buckland River|Buckland]] or some other place clove by that those men came and got their provisions at, and I went him back upon that.

<span id="rc5838">[[#rc5838|5838]]</span> ''By the Commission (to Mr. Hare''). —Did you send any of those men out in consequence of your conversation with him?— No; I had sent him out before.

<span id="rc5839">[[#rc5839|5839]]</span> Then simply Faulkiner was under a wrong impression?— Yes.

<span id="rc5840">[[#rc5840|5840]]</span> ''By the Commission (to Mr. Sadleir''). —About the reward, you have spoken of that—did not all the constables in the district more or less consider they were entitled to this reward?— No; I think there were only two who were not present, or three, who went in a claim.

<span id="rc5841">[[#rc5841|5841]]</span> Faulkiner's name was sent in?— Yes, and I considered it in my report, and it was accompanied with a report by Mr. Hare that he had given very valuable information; while I have to show from my statement that his information was of no value, which Mr. Hare confirms.

''Mr. Hare. —'' In that respect alone, but the information he subsequently gave would have been of great importance if the Kellys had not been caught the next day.

''Mr. Sadleir. —'' It had no actual value whatever.

''Mr. Hare. —'' No.

<span id="rc5842">[[#rc5842|5842]]</span> ''By the Commission (to the witness)''. —Did you put in a claim?— Yes.

<span id="rc5843">[[#rc5843|5843]]</span> Is your name down for anything?— No.

''Mr. Hare. —'' His name was amongst the number who were put down as deserving the reward. The information was this:—That there was a storekeeper at Buckland Gap, or some other place close by, I think Harrietville, that both Falkiner and Canny could not give a decided answer about it. They said that this man and one of the outlaws used to come down from the mountains and get the provisions from this store, and that the others remained some distance back with pack-horses. They took their supplies from that store—that it was necessary they should say nothing to the police about. They looked upon them as some residents in the district. Did not know they were police. They bought some cabbage plants there, and he told me that, and I should find the exact spot, and how long ago it was that the [[Chinese|Chinaman]]

<span id="rc5844">[[#rc5844|5844]]</span> ''By Mr. Sadleir (to Mr. Hare''). —Were you not aware that you had that information when you were in the district before?— I cannot say that for certain.

''Mr. Sadleir'' . —Instead of three days, it was twelve months or more old.

<span id="rc5845">[[#rc5845|5845]]</span> ''By the Commission (to Mr. Sadleir''). —This very information?— That Chinamen, or one or two, were supplying the outlaws.

<span id="rc5846">[[#rc5846|5846]]</span> Is the information, that you say was twelve months old, that they were getting provisions from Chinamen, or that they were getting them at the Buckland?— Yes, at the Buckland, and it was a twelve-month old; they had been searching about, and the Chinese detective had been employed; a Chinese handbill was issued about it.

<span id="rc5847">[[#rc5847|5847]]</span> Had you reason to believe the information was accurate?— We always thought it was a most probable thing for an occasional supply.

<span id="rc5848">[[#rc5848|5848]]</span> Have you positive information now that makes you believe now that they did get provisions from Chinamen, or not?— I believe they did, once in a way.

''Mr Hare. —'' They might have continued it till a later date.

<span id="rc5849">[[#rc5849|5849]]</span> ''By the Commission'' ''(to Mr. Sadleir)''. —Is that the case?— We had exactly similar information.

<span id="rc5850">[[#rc5850|5850]]</span> Is it the same information?— We had exactly similar information.

<span id="rc5851">[[#rc5851|5851]]</span> ''By Mr. Sadleir (to the witness''.)— Coming to the information about the four persons reported upon by the Rutherglen police?— Yes.

<span id="rc5852">[[#rc5852|5852]]</span> The impression there was that they were the four outlaws?— Yes.....

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