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Const Robert Austin Smyth

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{{Authority Side}}

== SConst Robert Austin Smyth ==

=== Meet the people of the KellyGang story ===

== Importance of SConst Smyth (No 2271) ==

'''police clerk at Benalla'''

'''Links to the KellyGang''', Early Years , Fitzpatrick Incident , Mansfield Murders , Sebastopol Cavalcade , Euroa Robbery , Jerilderie Robbery , Autum 1879 , Hare replaced by Nicolson , Spring 1879 Early 1880 , Death of Aaron Sherritt , [[#28/6/1880|Glenrowan Siege]], Ned Kellys Trial , [[#krb|Reward Board]] , Royal Commission , '''Early service''' , Later service , Family ,

== Links to the KellyGang ==

'''Glenrowan Siege 28/6/1880'''

'''Arrival of Sup Sadleir and police from Benalla'''

I arrived at Glenrowan with Sup Sadeir's party and then performed administrative duties


I thought the new [[Police Trackers|trackers]] much better than Insp O'[[O'Connor|Connors]]. ([[Royal Commission report 9/6/1881|RC11018]])

'''Photograph''' '''Kelly Reward Board''' Following the meetings of the [[Reward|Reward Board]] in December 1880 I recieved a reward of about £125

'''Royal Commission''' I was not called to give evidence to the Royal Commission

I was examined by the second phase of the Commission ([[The Argus at KellyGang 24/5/1882|Argus24/5/82]])

'''Early Service''' '''Later Service'''

== Family ==

'''wife''' ?... '''children ?.... home ?..'''

'''What happened to SConst Smyth's family''' KellyGang

[[Category:People]] [[Category:People starting with S-T]] [[Category:Smyth]] [[Category:Const Const Robert Austin]] [[Category:Glenrowan]] [[Category:Police]] [[Category:Clerk]] [[Category:history]]


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