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Glenrowan Heritage Precinct

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Glenrowan on the National Heritage List From Ms Panopoulos', the Federal Member for Indi, press release, 2 July 2005

"For some Ned Kelly is a hero, yet for others a villain. But whichever side of the fence people sit, there is no question that the Ned Kelly story is a unique and important part of Australian History,"

"This listing puts [[Glenrowan|Glenrowan]] in the company of cherished Australian places like the Royal Exhibition Buildings and Port Arthur. This listing will boost the profile of Glenrowan and not only attract more visitors to the region, but help ensure that the Ned Kelly story is preserved for future generations."

"The National Heritage List protects places that are of national significance to Australia's people, history and unique identity. It's a commitment to deepen our national appreciation of the places, stories, events and characters that have made us who we are as a nation.

"An elated Mayor of the Rural City of Wangaratta, Cr Roberto Paino commenting on today's announcement said, "This is fantastic news not only for our municipality but for our whole north east region and Australia."

"This is a culmination of four years of work by the Rural City of Wangaratta and the Glenrowan community to ensure this pivotal site will be appropriately managed and sensitively developed as the "Keeping Place of the Kelly Legend," he added.

"The interest in the events and issues which led to the Kelly Uprising through to the demise of the gang during the Glenrowan Siege and ultimately Ned's hanging at the Old Melbourne Gaol are as heightened today, some 125 years on as at anytime in our past.

"With the inclusion of the Glenrowan Heritage Precinct on the National Heritage List visitors and Kelly devotees will ultimately be able to gain a greater insight into Ned's legacy which is so indelibly etched in Australia's folklore."

"An extensive Masterplan was developed for Glenrowan and specifically the Heritage Siege Precinct some 4 years ago which highlighted a range of recommendations to be undertaken with the ultimate goal being the establishment of a nationally significant Ned Kelly Interpretive Centre."

"The inclusion of Glenrowan's Heritage Precinct on the National Heritage List is now the first major step forward in achieving that ultimate goal."



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