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== location ==

The capital city of the State of Victoria '''located''' on the shore of Port Phillip Bay, on the shore of [[Hobson's Bay|Hobson's Bay]]

== Beginnings ==

Melbourne was founded in the 1840s but it really took off in the 1850s with the discovery of gold in Victoria.

== Importance of Melbourne ==

Melbourne was seen by many writers from the mid 1860's on saw as a modern 'European' city. Modern technology such as the [[Telegraph|telegraph]] and [[Railways|railway]] arrived in Melbourne in [[1854-1863 Events|1854]] and by [[1854-1863 Events|1858]] telegraph lines linked Melbourne [[Albury|Albury]] and [[Sydney|Sydney]].Victoria was set up as a separate colony in 1851 and given Responsible government in [[1854-1863 Events|1855]] with Melbourne as its capital. Melbourne was also the economic centre for the gold mining with places like [[Ballarat|Ballarat]], Bendigo and [[Beechworth|Beechworth]] and a rich agricultural area with a powerful squatter class.



== What was Melbourne like in the late 1870s ==

While many of the key parts of the '''KellyGang''' story took place outside Melbourne, the city was the site of the headquarters of the police and the centre of Government. But it was much more. It was the centre of a community who saw the '''KellyGang''' as a real threat to society, criminals that need to be destroyed for the survival of community.

A tour through Melbourne ([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang15/6/1872|T&C15/6/1872]]) ([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang 1/1/1876|T&C1/1/1876]])

== Facilities in Melbourne in the late 1870s ==

'''Population''' 191,250 '''Hotels''' Menzies Hotel ([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang 22/6/1872 (5)|T&C29/6/1872]])

Robert Burns Hotel, Lonsdale St

National Hotel in Bourke-street '''Churches''' St. Peter's, Church of England cathedral

St. Patrick's,, Roman Catholic cathedral

Presbyterian Church.  '''Schools''' [[../../things/C_community/C_bankt.html|'''Bank''']] '''Main Streets'''

the street layout ([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang15/6/1872|T&C15/6/1872]])

town hall ([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang15/6/1872 (3)|T&C15/6/1872]]) '''Local Government''' '''[[Police Towns|Police]] Station''' '''[[Railway Stations|Railway]] Station''' '''[[Telegraph|Telegraph]] Office'''

([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang 1/1/1876|T&C1/1/1876]])

'''''' '''[[Post Office|Post Office]]'''

([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang 1/1/1876|T&C1/1/1876]])

'''Other things of interest''' See also [[Melbourne area|Melbourne area]] for details of things that happened in the suburbs

Hippodrome, Stephen-street.

[[Melbourne Gaol|Melbourne Goal]]

[[Melbourne Club|Melbourne Club]]

[[Doctors|Dotors]] in Melbourne included

Dr '''Thomas Naghten FitzGerald'''

Dr '''Andrew Sexton Gray'''

Dr '''[[Const Cornelius Ryan|Ryan]]'''

Dr '''Frederick Thomas West Ford'''


Mr Kreitmayer

Shops: M'Arthur, Sherard, and Copeland; Patterson, Ray, Palmer, and Co; Banks, Bros; Bell and Co; and Gravesend clothiers and importers, Fenwick Brothers ; also the well-known English firms of L. Stevenson and Sons; and Sargood, King, and Sargood ; and the firm of W and S Gardiner.([[Australian Town and Country Journal at KellyGang15/6/1872|T&C15/6/1872]])

== Links to the KellyGang ==

[[John (Red) Kelly|Red Kelly]] and [[Mrs Ellen Kelly|Ellen Quinn]] married in Melbourne in November [[1824-1853 Events|1850]]

John Quinn Sen charged with horse stealing. In Melbourne in 4/[[1854-1863 Events|1856]]- he was discharged

James [[Melbourne|Quinn]] Jnr was charged with horse stealing. In Melbourne on 18/10/[[1854-1863 Events|1856]]- he was discharged

On 15/02/[[1854-1863 Events|1861]] James [[Melbourne|Quinn]] Jnr was charged with horse stealing and sentenced in Melbourne to 4 months in Goal for illegally using a horse.

The problem with the '''KellyGang''' ment that there was a shortage of police in Melbourne and a raise in crime. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 1/5/1879|Argus1/5/79]])

[[Kate Kelly|Kate Kelly]] bought things for the boys including cartridges in Melbourne. The right size could not be bought anywhere else ([[Cookson, 13_09_1911_4|BWC]]) see also ([[The Argus at KellyGang 21/6/1879|Argus21/6/79]])

Rosier’s was the gunshop in Bourke street.([[The Complete Inner History of the KellyGang and their Pursuers (53)|JJK]])

In July, 1879, Ned Kelly visited Melbourne, and that he slept one night in the National Hotel in Bourke-street. ? ([[The Argus (54)|Argus7/8/80]])

Inspector [[O'Connor|O'Connor]]'s base in Melbourne was at Mr JT Smith's home in [[Essendon|Essendon]]

Inspector O'Connor and the caught the train from Melbourne to the Glenrowan Siege from Essendon on the night of 27/6/1880

Melbourne was very excited at the capture of Ned Kelly, At all points of the city persons were to be seen eagerly scanning the news the streets were deafened with the cries of the aamins calling the various issues of "extras." Ladies in their carriages even pulled up to purchase the latest editions, with "the full, true, and particular account of the Kelly gang." The ordinary run of business was almost entirely suspended throughout the day, the political situation was lost sight of and Berryism, with a strange synergy of terms in some people's minds gave place for the moment to Kellyism. The city literally gave itself up to the discussion of the deeds and doings of the Kellys and the police - more so than it would ever be got to do with regard to a political question of the greatest moment' ([[The Argus at KellyGang 29/6/1880|Argus29/6/80)]]([[The Melbourne Daily Telegragh|MDTel29/6/80]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 8/7/1880 (7)|Argus8/7/80]])

Plans for Ned Kelly to arrive at Spencer Street Station ([[Herald (5)|Herald29/6/1880]])

Joe [[Joe Byrne|Byrne]] appeared in the Waxworks within days of his death ([[The Argus (30)|Argus1/7/80]])

There was a large meeting at the Hippodrome in Stephen-street, the save Ned Kelly. ([[The Argus at KellyGang 6/11/1880|Argus6/11/80]])

The family stayed at Robert Burns Hotel ([[The Argus at KellyGang 9/11/1880 (3)|Argus9/11/80]]) ([[The Age (60)|Age11/11/80]]) ([[The Argus at KellyGang 11/11/1880|Argus11/11/80]])

[[Ned Kelly|Ned Kelly]] was hung in the [[Melbourne Club|Melbourne Goal]] on 11/11/1880

[[Kate Kelly|Kate]] and [[James Kelly|James Kelly]] were at the Apollo Hall ([[The Argus at KellyGang 12/11/1880 (3)|Argus12/11/80]])

== What happened at Melbourne after the time of the Kelly Gang ==

One of the suits of armour was displayed at the Great Exhibition in the Exhibition Building in 1888

== What is happening at Melbourne today - linked to the Kelly Country and Ned Kelly's story ==

Three of the suits of armour live in Melbourne. One is in the State Library of Victoria and the 2 other suits are owned by the Victoria Police.

The Old Melbourne Gaol has displayed one of the police suits of armour. You can also see where Ned Kelly was hung.

[[Category:Places]] [[Category:Places starting with M]] [[Category:Melbourne]]


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