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Police Towns

2,116 bytes added, 04:34, 15 November 2015
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== The place the police station in a town in the KellyGang story ==

The police station was an important part of any town. In most cases the police station and the home of the policeman were located together. In some cases there was only one officer at the station but in the larger towns they had a number of officers. In some cases the accommodation for police was less than satisfactory. At Greta the policeman was housed in the local hotel. Stations had a paddock for a horse.

[[Benalla Police Station|Benalla]] was the command headquarters for the police hunt for the '''KellyGang'''.

== <span id="List of Towns">[[#List%20of%20Towns|List of Towns]]</span> with Police stations ==

[[Euroa at kellyGang|Euroa.]]












[[Benalla Police Station|Benalla]]




[[EI Dorado|Eldorardo]]




[[Violet Town|Violet Town]]

[[Wagga Wagga|Wagga Wagga]]

[[Wahgunyah (2)|Wahgunyah]]


[[Wodonga (2)|Wodonga]]


== Other aspects of the Police Force's involvement with the KellGang story ==

See the list [[Police|police officers]] and the main aspects of police hunt for the '''KellyGang''' - .[[Sebastopol Cavalcade|Sebastopol cavalcade]], [[Police at Sherritt home|police at Aaron Sherritt's place]] , [[Police Tactics|police tactics]] , [[Police Search Parties|police search parties]] , [[Police Trackers|police aboriginal trackers]] , [[Police pay and Conditions|police pay and conditions]] , [[Police Organisation|police organisation]] .


[[Category:Things]] [[Category:Community things]] [[Category:police]] [[Category:police stations]] [[Category:country towns]] [[Category:bushrangers]] [[Category:history]] [[Category:New South Wales]]


{{^|Original page location \things\C_community\C_policetown.htm}}