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Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 31/8/1876

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, . 1 . , [[Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 31/8/1876 (2)|.2 .]] ,

During the past week Mr Hunt, MLA had an interview; with the Under Treasurer on the subject of the balance of money allocated to the Kilmore Hospital for the year ending 30th, June last, but which had lapsed into the general revenue in consequence of not being claimed within the financial year. The Under Treasurer expressed an opinion that the hospital did not want money, when the sum due was not claimed within the year, but Mr Hunt attributed the fault to the Treasury officers for not having forwarded the documents necessary to enable the claim to be lodged. The Under Treasurer held out no hopes of the money - £450 for maintenance and £250 for building, being made available, but Sir James M'Culloch subsequently informed Mr Hunt if the Hospital, claimed he would at once give an advance on account. The as rst feature of allowing, the money lapse we stated is that it might jeopardise the claims of the charity or this years' vote.

The old copper pence are, it seems, to be known no more amongst us, but are finally to be gathered in in favour of the bronze coinage. A Royal proclamation has been issued in Great Britain to the effect that the old coins will be received at the Imperial Mint at their current value till the 31st December, 1877, after which date they will only be received as metal. His Excellency the Governor has, therefore issued a proclamation to the effect that the current of these coins, will, cease in Victoria on and after the first September 1877. After that date the proclamation says, the coins shall no longer be allowed to pass or be current in any payment whatever within the colony of Victoria or its dependencies."

The Hon G F Belcher and Mr W A Zeal were the only candidates nominated for the representation of the South-Western Province, no other nominations having been received by the returning officer up to the appointed hour, six o'clock, on Thursday evening last. The polling will take place on Monday next, the 4th.September.

An ordinary monthly meeting of the committee of the [[Kilmore|Kilmore]] Mechanics' Institute, was held on Friday evening last, the President (Mr Wm. Kerr) in the chair. The members present were Messrs. Jas. Warren, G Hudson, M K Beveridge, and J Taylor. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and confirmed. The Secretary (Mr Taylor) informed the committee that the new books, numbering about 100 volumes, had arrived, and were being. prepared for the library. As these books had been obtained on the suggestion of visitors to the Institute, he hoped it could be the means of increasing the number of visitors and subscribers, thereby extending the usefulness of the Institute: I was suggested by Mr Warren that a water tank be obtained for the use of the institution, but that no action was taken. Accounts amounting to £22 17s 3d, being principally for books, were passed for payment. Several unimportant matters were dealt with, and the meeting terminated.

The Kilmore Agricultural Society held a meeting on Saturday afternoon, when some preliminary steps. were taken with regard to the forthcoming Show. The programme will be ready to be submitted, to a meeting as to be held on an early date.

By advertisement elsewhere, it will be seen that a tea and public meeting will be held on Monday next, in the. Primitive Methodist Chapel, Bald Hills. After tea addresses will be delivered by the circuit he minister and other gentlemen. The proceedings will be enlivened by selections of sacred music by the Broadford Choir.

At the meeting of the Kilmore Agricultural Society held on Saturday afternoon, Mr W H Budd, JP, distributed amongst members some potatoes, apparently excellent seed, recently received; from New South Wales.

On the 17th instant Mrs Tasker, who has resided; in the Kilmore district for the past 20 years, died at the Kilmore Hospital at the ripe age, of eighty-two years. Deceased lady came to Tasmania in 1829, three years before her marriage as servant to Captain Dumar and family, in which colony she resided 27 years coming to Victoria in 1856, where she remained up to the time of her death. Deceased lady was well-know and highly respected in Tasmania as she has been a Victoria, and it is seldom we have to chronicle the demise of such an old colonist, who was always during her life considered an excellent nurse and attendant upon sick people.

"The Pure Eucalypti Oil," manufactured by Sanders and Son is meeting with pretty general approval where its properties are understood. We have received a circular which speaks highly of the article as. a medicament.

The Kilmore Band seems to be improving both in members and the quality of music discoursed, judging by their performances at their, Monday evening, practices. The usual monthly meeting of the Band com? Is contemplated a month will be brought forward to test the feelings of the members as to the advisability or otherwise of obtaining uniform for the several members of the Band.

By advertisement it will be seen that “Spawn” will be at the paddock, of his owner, Kernadale, during the present season. The Kilmore Shire Council met on Monday afternoon, all the members being present. The business was confined principally to dealing with, correspondence. At he the conclusion of the business the councillors adjourned to inspect the pipes being laid in Gipps street and the contract of Cantlon and on Lyons, Union-street.

Cr Hickey has already given, notice, of his intention to abolish, the collections of  the dog tax in the Shire of Kilmore at the end of this year.

Cr. Maloney is becoming. generous. At Iast meeting of the local shire council he remarked he did not want. £3 3s, included for him as returning officer in a voucher made out for election expenses. We are glad to notice some little indication of shame in some of the shire councillors. Probably the pickings is not as great now as it used to be.

To-morrow (Friday) is the last day for taking out electors’ rights to qualify persons for voting at the next general election, for the Legislative Assembly. Mr Barry, at the Courthouse, Kilmore, will issue rights for the Kilmore electorate, also, Mr M Collins, Morphet's siding. For Dalheusie the registrars in this neighborhood are Messrs M'Leish, (Broadford), FD Hickey, (Tallarook) and M J M’Culla (Sugar Loaf Creek), Pyalong.

A dinner will be given to [[Pentridge|Akehurst]], PM at Murray's, Royal Oak Hotel on Monday next.

[[Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 31/8/1876 (2)|continued]]

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[[Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 16/3/1876|Previous edition]] [[Kilmore Free Press at KellyGang 19/4/1877|Next edition]]


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