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The Argus at KellyGang 7/12/1877

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'''Full text of article'''

Before Mr Sturt, P M, and Messrs Levy and Rapiport, JPs, at the City Police Court yesterday Morris Unger, a shopkeeper in Lonsdale street east, was charged on three informations with fraudulently concealing, accepting, and retaining a quantity of softgoods, hardware, tea, boots and shoes, &c., valued in all at over £200, belonging to the insolvent estate of [[David Goodman|Davis Goodman]], storekeeper, [[Winton|Winton]], near Benalla, with intent to defraud the creditors.

The informations were laid by Herman Levy, clothing manufacturer, of Flinders lane west, and the prosecution was conducted by Sir Bryan O'Louhlen, whilst Mr Molesworth appeared for the defence. Several witnesses were examined, and it appeared from their evidence that a quantity of goods had been removed from the insolvent's store on the 9th of October last by the insolvent and the defendant, and that some goods which belonged to the estate were subsequently found in the defendant's shop. It also transpired that the defendant had a bill against the insolvent, and it was alleged that he had appropriated the goods which were missed to satisfy his claim. At a late hour in the afternoon the case was adjourned until Wednesday next for the further hearing of evidence.



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