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The Argus at KellyGang 14/9/1878

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The annual [[Social Events|show]] of the [[Albury|Albury]] and Border Pastoral and Agricultural Society was held to day, in and near to the society's old grounds, the new site which, after much red tape delay, has been granted not being ready for this occasion. The horses, sheep, swine, cattle, except fat stock, dairy ,farm, vineyard, and garden produce, were shown in the yards, but for the machinery and implements room had to be found as usual outside. The yards being partly on a steep bank, and a good deal of ram having fallen within the two days previous to the show the lower part of the ground was a slough, and the higher portion not much better. It was fortunate that the day was fine, for there was virtually no accommodation for the society's own clerical department or for the press. These defects will probably be remedied in the new yards, but ere these are planned it would be well for some of the managers to visit properly conducted shows, say, those at Ballarat or Kyneton, and utilise the hints they might gain there. For a considerable distance on both sides of the Murray shows are conducted in a manner which evinces remarkably crude notions of the proper aims and objects of those events.

The show of live stock was, as usual at Albury, the principal feature. We have seen there rather better representation of draught horses and of thoroughbred stock, jet it would not be correct to say that the quality of the best exhibits was by any means below par. Mr James Mitchell's Glorious, and Mr Carroll's almost perfect but rather smaller Blue Peter would stamp as excellent any class of thoroughbreds, and to be beaten by such horses can be no discredit. Mr Stuckey's Prime Minister, although beaten in this class, was made first in stallions adapted for getting weight-carrying hackneys or carriage horses. Mr Stewarts Lord Tadmor anti Mr P Huon's Ben Nevis were the other exhibits. In two year olds, Mr James Day's Mickey, by Mr A K Finlays Subadar, was first, in not too good a class of four. Of three brood mares, Mr James Mitchell a Snowwreath, by Snowdon , was first, and in two year old fillies, the same owner's Mangana was first of two. In yearling fillies he was again first, and in yearling colts with Songster, both by Glorious. The class of weight-carrying hacks mustered ten, seven of which at once received their congé, leaving Mr Andrew's horses by Forester. Mr Kennedy's grey Hurricane, and Mr G M'Kay's old Cob, ridden by his truly weighty owner in the ring. The prizes eventually fell to Forester.

The draught horse classes were only moderately filled, either in number or quality. Of five stallions, Mr A Stewart's (Wagga) Scotchman was first, Mr P Marum's Young Pride of Scotland, by Cox's horse, second Mr P Huon's was first of two two year olds. Mr Huon was also first in draught mares, and Mr S Watson second, Mr W H Stuckly coming first in three year old fillies. Mr James Mitchell took first prize in pairs of farm horses, Mr S Watson in pairs of farm mares.

In the cattle and the sheep classes the competitors were divided, there being a series of classes for holders of not more than 3,000 acres, the other classes being open to all who might choose to compete. In the open classes the competition was restricted by an occurrence entirely apart from the society's control; the fact of Mr Geo Mackay, of Stony park, having almost a walkover must not be allowed to detract from the merit of his exhibits. Both in shorthorns and in Herefords he won with animals which would have occupied respectable positions in any Victorian show yard. In Durham bulls over two years old he was first with Lothario, by Major Booth, a square, level, heavily fleshed bull, in moderate condition. Mr M'Gavin was second with a bull which we took to be Royal Knight. Mr Mackay was first in two year olds with a white bull by Field Marshal Booth; in bull calves, with one by Oxford 's Duke of Brunswick; in cows in calf, with Princess, bred by Mr Lee, of Bathurst, and in cows with calf at foot. Mr Mackay's yearling heifer, Ex Princess, by Duke of Alvie deserved a good class to beat. His heifer calf, by Blomfield, also promises well. His Herefords have been chiefly drawn from the Colac herd. With animals thus derived he took first prizes in each class, except m bulla under two years, in which he showed Offord Hall, his recent purchase from Mr Beattie, of Mount Aitken. The cattle classes for holders of not less than 3,000 acres were supplied by two or three exhibitors with beasts of ordinary quality. Mr A Moffat, of Jindera, and Mr Thos Proctor were the successful exhibitors.

In the open classes for merino sheep, the competition was between Mr James Turnbull, Emu Plains, Benalla, Mr Matson, and Mr James Mitchell, of Table top. Mr Turnbull's gained the prize for the best ram in the yard, Mr Mitchell for the best ewe in the yard and for the best ram and best ewe bred by exhibitor. Each, of course, won the class prizes, which led up to these champion awards. Mr Watson was first in two tooth rams and ewes. In Lincoins , Mr Lyne won the champion prize for the best ram in the yard, Mr Mackay that for the best ewe, each taking also corresponding class prizes. In Leicesters, Messrs M'Kellar and Burnett were the only exhibitors. The sheep shown by holders of less than 3,000 acres were of a nondescript kind, and but for the express instructions received by the judges to award the prizes offered, they would have been disposed to pass them as not worthy. The winners were Messrs Lorman, Kirby, and C J Morton. Champion prizes were offered in class for the best long-woolled ram in the yard, and for the best long woolled ewe. Mr Lyne won the ram prize, and Mr Mackay that for the ewe. Fat sheep were shown by Mr P Loeman, Mr Mitchell, and others.

The chief dairy produce was butter-a fair show. Mr C J Morton was first in fresh, and Mrs Swan in salt butter. Miss Palmer, Bungowanup, was the only exhibitor of cheese. Mrs Santell was first in bacon, Mr Kirath in hams, with very little competition. Fine apples came from Mr Armstrong, very good raisins from Mr E Louis. The local saddler and harness maker (Mr R C Thomson) exhibited a well made collection.

The show of grain was not large, but this, of course, is not the season for exhibiting grain. Mr Ridlay was first and Mr G J Morton second, with good wheat weighing 65½lb per bushel. In brown oats Mr Geo Reis was first, in white Mr J Ferguson; in Cape barley, G Mackay. A few wines were shown by Mr J L Kelton and Mr G T Fleming, the former taking one prize and the latter three. Most of the machinery exhibits obtained prizes. Mr Kelton, agent, got the prize for the best collection; Messrs Corbett for reaper and binder, without trial , Messrs Swan and Co , Messrs Jos Nicholson, Mr A W Wall, and others, also received awards. A half holiday was agreed upon, and the business people trooped to the show with, it may be hoped, substantial results to the society.

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