Sydney Morning Herald (53)

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(full text transcription)
THE amount of compensation awarded to Mrs Jones of Glenrowan, for the loss of her hotel, which was burned down when the Kelly gang was destroyed, has been (says the Argus) reduced from £305 to £265, it having come to the knowledge of the board by whom the award was made that compensation had previously been paid to Mr Irwin, of Beechworth, who hold a bill of sale for £10 over the furniture. Mr Irwin's claim against Mrs Jones having been discharged by the Government, the board considered that she was not entitled to what would virtually have been payment of the same thing twice over. The discovery was not made until after the board reported, for nothing was said about the hill of sale or its liquidation at the inquiry. On their recommendation, the amount has since been cut down by £40, and the difference paid over to Mrs Jones.

 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

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