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Heavy rains set in yesterday morning, and has continued up to this afternoon, with every appearance of more. The river is rising, and floods are expected. Wheat is still being brought in, but not in such large quantities as before. Many are now holding back, waiting for a better price.


The heavy rain which set in yesterday morning still continue. At the Police Court this morning before Messrs. Kitchen, Tomkins, and Shaw, JP's, Edward Monk, late of the Wombat, who, it will be remembered, caused much sensation by declaring that he had been shot at by some of the Kelly gang, and whose saddle was pierced with a bullet, but about which Mr Panton, PM, reported unfavourably, summoned Sub-inspector Toohey for illegally detaining the saddle referred to. Mr O'Leary, barrister, appeared for Monk. Mr Toohey who had to come from Emerald-hill, was present. Inspector Sadlier and Sub-inspector Pewtress were also present. The case created great excitement, and the court-house was crowded. After a very patient hearing, the Bench ordered the saddle to be restored, and awarded Monk 26s. costs. Mr O'Leary applied for 15 guineas.



The memorial erected to the memory of the three police officers shot by the Kelly gang in the Wombat Ranges in October, 1878, was unveiled yesterday morning Mansfield, by Captain Standish, the chief commissioner of police. It has been erected by public subscription at a cost of £850, and it now stands in the centre of the junction of High and Highett-streets. It consists of a marble base, which supports a pillar of the same material, surmounted by an urn. On the base and each side of the pillar are two other urns. The memorial is erected on a concrete foundation, and is approached by four blue-stone steps, above which are two slabs also of blue-stone, upon which the monument rests. Around the whole a neat iron railing is to be placed, but this is not yet in position. The monument as a whole is elegant and tasteful, and will long remain an object of deep interest to the inhabitants, the melancholy death of those which it is intended to honour being one of lasting regret to the district. Its height is 25ft., and it was supplied by Mr J Hanson, of Melbourne.

On two tablets on the marble base are the following inscriptions:? "To the memory of three brave men who lost their lives while endeavouring to capture a band of armed criminals in the Wombat Ranges, near Mansfield, 26th October, 1878."


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