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Melbourne has all day been in a state of intense excitement over the Kelly affray, particulars of which you are no doubt in possession of, being on the spot. “The Argus” and “The Age” published special editions five times in succession, and sold thousands of copies. The newspaper offices were besieged, and Collins-street was thronged with people up to a late hour. Many are collected at the railway station, expecting the arrival of Ned Kelly. He will probably arrive during the night, and be lodged in gaol.

Services in connection with the Raikes Centenary commenced yesterday, and will be continued during the present week.

The news respecting the Kellys is causing great excitement. Lots of people are to be seen at every street corner discussing the news. There is a general feeling of satisfaction at the desperadoes being brought to bay.


F UNERAL OF A ARON S HERRITT .—On Monday evening, shortly after the adjournment of the inquest, the remains of Aaron Sherritt, who was foully murdered on Saturday last, were deposited in their last earthly resting-place in the Beechworth Cemetery. Only a few near relatives followed the body to the grave; and the wife of the deceased (who was present) was very much affected. The Rev JG Mackie read the burial service.


T HE K ELLYS .—The Melbourne correspondent of the “Adelaide Observer” writes: - Last week news came to hand that the police, acting on secret information, had sent a special party out after the Kellys. People were in a state of expectancy for a day or two, and then died away. As I stated some weeks ago, the police maintained a constant watch on the infected district, receiving word every day or two about the proceedings of the gang, but never getting any very valuable information in time to enable them to surprise the Kellys in their lair. They are obliged to act with great circumspection, and keep their movements as closely concealed from the public as the Kellys keep theirs from the police. Unfortunately, such is the low condition of morality in the district that the Kellys are better supplied with intelligence than the police.

They have sisters and cousins, who are ever on the alert. About eight days ago the police heard that a suspicious-looking individual had been stealing down a retired valley towards a settlement occupied by the parents of the outlaws. A secret party was organised. It left Benalla by the early morning train, travelled some eighty miles by train, got out at a small station, and pushed through the forest and over the ranges to the particular valley where a bonfire had been seen. They found the tracks, and the black police followed them down until they discovered that they were only on the trail of a Kelly sympathiser, not one of the gang. The constables gave up the pursuit, and quietly returned to headquarters, hoping that the excursion would escape notice. But the vigilant newspaper correspondent got wind of the affair, and two or three long telegrams of a sensational character were sent to town.

An important change has been made in the command of the special police since the Mansfield outrage took place in October 1878. Operations have nearly the whole time been under the direction of Superintendent Nicholson, an experienced, cautious, silent man. For a month or two the Commissioner himself presided over the camp at Benalla, but he only went there to escape the enquiry put by Mr Berry as to what the police were doing. As soon as Mr Berry ceased to be curious - ie, on the departure of that gentleman for England on the embassy trip, Captain Standish returned to the Melbourne Club and the sweet routine of the head office.

Superintendent Nicholson has received his principal training in the Detective Police office. He applied the rules and practices of that office to the Kelly enquiries. Many have long entertained the idea that in the first instance the police should have been sent out in two or three parties with plenty of provisions and ammunition, and instructions to stay out until they brought the gang in dead or alive. A totally different policy was pursued. The police patrolled the district for a short time, and then abandoned all active pursuit. They set about organising corps of friendly informants, and then whenever they got a hint that the party had been seen here or there, they went out and examined the ground. The detective police of Superintendent Nicholson succeeded to a certain extent, the police heard a great deal about the movements of the gang, but never got within reach of them.

In time Mr Nicholson’s waiting game might have ended in a victory; but the authorities have called him to town, and sent up Superintendent Hare, with what instructions I know not. It has been reported, however, that the black trackers are to be sent back to Queensland ; if they are, it would look as if the “pursuit” of the Kellys were to be given up entirely, and the police simply employed in preventing a raid on the inland towns.


T HE I NQUEST ON M ONDAY .—A general impression prevailed throughout the district that Aaron Sherritt was shot by Byrne in the face, as well as the body; but this proved incorrect, as at the post mortem examination made by Dr Dobbyn, the face, after being washed, had not any sign of a mark about it. Dr Dobbyn states that the blood on the face was caused by the wound in the chest, as when the bullet struck deceased, the blood spurted all over the body. This would at once account for the wretched appearance the poor fellow had when he was brought to the Vine Hotel at Beechworth by the police. Mrs Barry states that after her son-in-law was shot, he staggered two or three minutes before he fell. She was allowed to go outside for a few minutes after the fatal dead, and was engaged a short time in conversation with Weekes, the man who was handcuffed. It was at that time she saw and recognised Dan Kelly.





I HAVE the honour to announce myself as a CANDIDATE For a seat as one of your representatives in the LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY

At the forthcoming General Election I shall take the earliest opportunity of visiting the various portions of the Electorate, to explain my views on the present political crisis.

I have the honour to be,


Your Obedient Servant,


Beechworth, June 28 th 1880



Has been reduced


And the public are respectfully requested to pay a visit of inspection


Ford Street




Boots! Boots! Boots!



Indiarubber Boots for Miners 35s per pair


In the District



At Melbourne Prices

All Damaged Goods less than Half price

Note the Address


Boot Manufacturer

Ford Street Beechworth




Pupils carefully Prepared for the University, Civil Service, and Commercial generally.

Careful supervision is given to Boarders, and the domestic arrangements are liberal and home like.

Three Pupils of the School presented themselves for examination at the University, Melbourne , on the 2 nd, 3 rd, and 4 th June 1880, all being successful. Two passed both Matriculation and Civil Service Examinations (one of whom obtained “Credits” for arithmetic and algebra), and the other Civil Service.

The THIRD QUARTER will begin 9 th JULY. Terms on application.




Miss G F AITKEN, Dressmaker

Camp street , Beechworth



Solicitor, &c.,

Camp Street , Beechworth


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.1. , .2. , .3. , .4. , .5. , .6. ,/

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