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The Argus continued with its report of the KellyGang

full text of the article


But little of interest has transpired since yesterday in regard to the Kelly gang. At a late hour last night Edward Kelly was reported by Mr Castieau, the governor of the Melbourne Gaol to be progressing favourably. During the afternoon he was interviewed by Mr Ramsay, the Chief Secretary, who was accompanied by Mr Odgers, the Under Secretary. Nothing of importance transpired, neither the outlaw nor the Chief Secretary speaking. Subsequently Kelly was seen by his mother, with whom he had a long conversation on matters of a private nature. During the forenoon he was visited by Mr Cox, of Jerilderie, and the result of the interview appears below. Further than this nothing fresh has transpired beyond the items appearing in our telegrams from our special reporter. -----------------


Yesterday morning, by virtue of an order from the Chief Secretary, Mr Charles Cox, the publican of Jerilderie in whose hotel the prisoners were confined when the bank at that place was stuck up by the Kelly gang, had an interview with the surviving outlaw. In the course of conversation Kelly admitted that the murder of Aaron Sherritt was against his wishes, and also gave Mr. Cox other information of a valuable nature. At the time the bank was robbed by the gang at, Jerilderie, a quantity of jewellery, 'photographs, and other articles which had been left at the bank for security by a Mrs Maslam, were taken away by the gang. No trace of this property could subsequently be discovered, but Ned Kelly yesterday told Mr. Cox that be know where it was, and promised to write to some of his friends with a view to its being restored.

Mrs Maslam greatly values these articles, as they are old family relics. With regard to Sergeant Kennedy's watch it appears that Ned Kelly does not exactly know in whose possession it now is, but he has promised that if he can ascertain, he will take steps to have it restored to Mrs. Kennedy.



(From Our Own Reporter)



A number of the persons who were made prisoners by the Kellygang at Glenrowan seem to doubt the statement that Ned Kelly shot the line repairer Cherry. Most of the prisoners were, however, in the back rooms at the time, whilst others were too excited to note every incident. The police, moreover, are fully convinced of the the truth, of the statement, and furnished me with the names of the prisoners who they say made the disclosure, on condition that they should not be published at present. Ned Kelly stated that it was the intention of the gang, after destroying the black trackers and the police, to proceed to Benalla, and blow up the police camp and a bank. This was put down at fist as mere ‘blow,’ but a discovery has been made which shows that the outlaws were in real earnest. During Thursday, Mr Stanistreet, the stationmaster at Glenrowan, found an oil can containing 45lb, of blasting powder, concealed behind a log in the vicinity of M'Donnell's Hotel. The can was taken possession of by Senior-constable Kelly this morning, but still lies at Glenrowan until the magazine waggon is sent to bring it down. Previous to this a quantity of fuse was found in swags carried by the pack horses left by the gang at M’Donnell’s Hotel


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