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August. 6

I don't know that I owe an apology or not to my "gentle public " of Gobur for what might appear inattention to local matters for some time past. If so, I might plead that I do not possess the quality of ubiquity, neither am I Argus-eyed, that passing events might he ever in review before my gaze. So much for that much.

Gobur is not a very populous place, but it's a very spleenish little place; some of its inhabitants are very litigious, and are never happier than when the acoustic properties of the police court are made to echo with the stentorian call of "Bitters v. Vinegar," or some other such likely sounding food for lawyers. As far as my humble judgment extends, all is not gospel that is stated on oath within the precincts of our courts of justice, neither is it at all times strictly in accordance with the pure dictates of a clear conscience. There appears to be a studied evasion of a direct answer to very simple questions bearing ofttimes on the merits of the matter at issue. I am afraid that Fabuls could in many cases lay first claim to such worshippers at her shrine, who make solemn invocations for the purpose of desecrating them.

I wonder what is the exact value of a man who marries a woman having issue bearing the bar sinister, and then allows her to sue her farmer paramour for the maintenance of said issue. I wonder whether the subjects of his majesty of Dahomey could be persuaded to do likewise, I think not. In an affiliation case heard at our police court before Captain Pasco last week, some amusement was created on the plaintiff being, called, to find that a very fatherly-looking old gentleman of some fifty summers put in an appearance as plaintiff; to the no small amusement of the bench. "Are you the mother of the child ?" enquired the Court. “Na, na, a'm no' the mither, ye ken; but the bairn was born in ma' hoose." Of course the proper source from whence humanity springs was sent for, and the "guid man" retired rather perplexed to understand how it was that he could not represent the mother of a child in an affiliation case.

Our local police officer has been kept pretty busy for some time past, and I must e say that he discharges the duties entrusted I to him with satisfaction to the public and credit to himself.

Although not a Good Templar myself. I cannot but admire tire fidelity with which I the majority of the members of that order in Gobur adhere to the good cause they have embraced. If any one tiring more than another could induce the uninitiated to join the ranks of what promises to be an immense army whose limits embraces the cardinal points of the earth, it is that zealous spirit evinced by both officers and privates of the order to enlist recruits under the silvery folds of the banner of temperance which gives us a high estimate of their sterling intentions, and does them honor.

Some fifteen months ago an amateur performance was given by the Gobur Dramatic Society for the purpose of purchasing prizes to be presented to the children attending our local state school. A committee and treasurer were appointed to devise the beat means of obtaining and presenting the gifts to the little ones, who I am sure were most anxious to obtain and thank the donors. I regret to say that not only the children but the subscribers almost despair of ever seeing the matter arrive at a legitimate issue. I believe that there was one meeting of the committee shortly after the performance, and nothing has been heard of the matter since. I must say that the whole concern reflects the greatest discredit on those who were appointed to carry out the generous intentions of the subscribers. Perhaps, the gentleman who was appointed treasurer or some of the committee will enlighten us on the matter.

The Triumph G M Co., after standing inactive for more than twelve months is now in full operation. The tributors having carried the main south level along the course of the gutter for a distance of over 150 feet, in the course of which they have cut some very fair gold. A trial machine yielded 40oz. 15dwt., who is considered very fair by the party. This company has been so shorthanded since they started operations that one of their number had to visit Ballarat for the purpose of obtaining hands, ten or twelve of whom are expected here to-day. The main level is to be carried to the boundary, and blocking operations are expected to begin in about five or six weeks, when satisfactory results are anticipated.

The Victory Co. has been driving for the west reel for the last two or three months, and have not yet reefed, notwithstanding that the drive is 400 feet from the chamber. There appears to be it vast chasm in the vicinity of the present workings with runs of gold, from which as much as five ounces to the machine has been obtained, but unfortunately this part of the company's workings is not get at-able; however, the main run of coarse gold that the Triumph, is on is expected to be found further west. This is yet to be proved. The proprietors of this mine deserve to be successful, as they have expended a large amount of money on the present workings. They have the good wishes of the people of Gobur for a prosperous termination to their commendable efforts.

Messrs Cunningham and Ross of the Just in Time Q M Co. are making active preparations for the erection of their crushing plant, which is expected to arrive on the ground in the course of six or eight days. A party of mine's have pegged out the south lease, lately declared forfeited, and intend sinking a shaft at once. It is rather a heavy under taking at this time of the year with a windless. Still I hope that they will succeed in their efforts.

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