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Royal Commission report day 20 page 7

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The Royal Commission evidence for 14/5/1881


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(see also introduction to day 20)

Const Canny giving evidence

7560 Did you see me?— Yes, I saw you put your head up and shoot at the house window.

7561 You cannot swear it was at the window?— No.

7562 When did you first see me in Benalla—first know I was over here working—met me personally, I mean?— It was in April 1879, I think.

7563 Had you just joined then?— No, I was on special then.

7564 Were you on probation then?— Yes.

7565 I suppose you made enquiries about who your officers were, and who were not?— Yes, I did.

7566 Did you ever ask what position I held?— I do not know that I did.

7567 Did you, from the very first, consider that I had no standing in the Victorian force?— I never looked up to you as an officer.

7568 Because I never came in contact with you to give orders; but I say did you ever hear anybody state to you that I had no standing in the police force?— No, I do not think anybody ever stated that to me; I did not look upon you as an officer here. I believed you had started to Queensland at the time you came to Glenrowan.

7569 I am speaking of when you first knew me, and you were on probation; and I want to know if you, from any other knowledge from men, or the sergeants, if you ever considered I had no standing in the police?— No; I never enquired. I always thought you were just in charge of the black trackers.

7570 You never heard any man say, “He has nothing to do with us—he is only from Queensland ”?— Yes; I have heard several say, “He has nothing to do with us.”

7571 Was it a sub-officer?— No, not a sub-officer, but lots of constables say so.

7572 You do not know where they got their knowledge from?— No.

7573 You say, about Glenrowan, that after Mr. Sadleir came you saw me several times. Was I doing the same as Mr. Sadleir—walking about from post to post?— Some time after Mr. Sadleir arrived, the first place I saw you with Mr. Sadleir was on the Wangaratta side of Jones's house.

7574 By the Commission— Did you say the men came from the chimney end of the house?— Yes.

7575 If witnesses deposed the outlaws came and delivered their fire from and under the verandah, towards where you were approaching with Mr. Hare, would it be from the verandah or the chimney end of the house?— The chimney end.

7576 Therefore, if witnesses who came out from the house swear it was from the chimney end of the house, it would be correct?— Yes.

7577 When Mr. Hare was wounded, what distance were you from him when he was shot?— Five or ten yards.

7578 When Mr. Hare was wounded, did he look round to see if Mr. O'Connor was there, and to speak to him?— Yes.

7579 Did you see Mr. O'Connor there?— No.

7580 Did you see him look round?— I could not say whether he was looking round, but he said, “Come on, O'Connor, and fetch the boys up.”

7581 Did you see Mr. O'Connor?— No.

7582 Do you think Mr. O'Connor was ever through the wicket gate at all?— I do not think so— not up to the time Mr. Sadleir arrived.

7583 By Mr. Hare— What time was it I said that to Mr. O'Connor, before the firing had ceased or after it had ceased?— After the volleys were fired.

7584 Could I have made use of this expression?— “O'Connor, I am wounded—shot in the arm—I must go back to have it tied up.” Could I have made use of that expression after I had returned through the gate from my position?— Before you left your position it was.

7585 Are you sure of that?— Yes.

7586 That was after the firing was all over?— Yes.

7587 You say it was before I left my position?— You were coming this way, and I do not know whether you were over the fence.

7588 By the Commission— Did you take up a position after you heard this language?— Yes.....

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