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Royal Commission report day 4 page 5

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The Royal Commission evidence for 29/3/1881

(full text transcription)

(see also introduction to day 4)

Assistant Commissioner Nicholson giving evidence

965 It was upon the May occasion that Captain Standish met you at the railway station?- Yes.

966 Did you come upon that occasion-that is about May, about the time of the letters about the armour-and interview Captain Standish here?- Certainly.

967 He knew you were in town?- Yes.

968 What time was it that Captain Standish told you he had interviewed Mr: Ramsay at the Governor's dinner.,-May-the morning of the last interview with Mr. Ramsay, and the only interview I believe I had with Sir James McCulloch.

969 What was the date of the first interview with Mr. Ramsay?- The first interview was on Monday the 3rd of May.

970 That was the time you alluded to the interview between you and Mr. Ramsay, when he said he would let you know later on whether he would consent to your remaining a month longer?- Yes, that is so.

971 That was on the 3rd of May-the afternoon that Sir James McCulloch accompanied you to Mr. Ramsay's office?- No, he did not accompany me.

972 Was it on the 4th of May you returned to Benalla?- The Chief Commissioner directed me to stay, and then on the following day-on the 4th of May 1880-the Chief Commissioner informed me that the Honorable the Chief Secretary had continued me for one clear month.

973 And you left by the 2.30 train that day?- Yes, I left Flemington at three o'clock on that day.

974 You were informed that you had another month?- Yes.

975 When did you return to Melbourne again to see Mr. Ramsay?- The 25th of May-Tuesday- I returned to Melbourne.

976 What was your reason for returning on the 25th?- Because I saw it was certainly impossible to go on any longer with the state the case was in with the prospect of being superseded.

977 You came down on the 25th of May to point out to the Chief Secretary that you had things to arrange, that it would be a false policy to remove you then?- Yes, on the Monday, the 24th-[looking at a diary]-having requested the Chief Commissioner to obtain an interview with the Chief Secretary on the 25th.

978 On the 25th, when you saw Mr. Ramsay, was there any complaint of your unfairly endeavoring to force yourself upon him?- No, not the slightest.

979 On the afternoon of the 25th Sir James McCulloch accompanied you to Mr. Ramsay?- No, I called on him alone.

980 He did not accompany you?- No. I did not ask him to. As to what took place between Sir James McCulloch and Mr. Ramsay I do not know to this day.

981 You do not know that he saw him?- I believe he did.

982 Captain Standish states that Mr. Ramsay said, "Mr. Nicolson, supposing you were head of a department, and one of your subordinate officers came to me and abused you behind your back, what would you think ?" On what day would that be if it occurred?- On the 25th of May.

983 Mr. Ramsay made that statement to you on the 25th?- I have no recollection of Mr. Ramsay saying such a thing, but if he did it was on that date.

984 I think you joined the police force about 1852?- Yes.

985 As a cadet ?- Yes.

986 I think; you got your first promotion for gallant conduct about the time of the capture of Connor and Bradly near Kilmore?- Yes.

987 Since then you have had a large experience of police business?- I have.

988 You were for a length of time in the detective police?- Yes, about fourteen years.

989 And you kept yourself au courant of what was going on in this colony, and also in New South Wales?- Yes.

990 You were in constant communication with the force of New South Wales?- Yes, while I was incharge of the detectives.

991 Will you hand in a return of the length of time it took to capture the bushrangers in New South Wales and in Victoria-Power and other men; Ben Hall and Gilbert-can you get this ?- I will, but it will take a few days to get it-it is many years ago....

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