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Post Office Telegraph Railway

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== Overview ==

Post, rail and telegraph were the official forms of communication. The police used the rail and telegraph in their efforts to find the '''KelllyGang''' but many would suggest that this was not very effective. The '''KelllyGang''''s friends also used them but they did not have the resources. And anyway many would say that they found unofficial communications were more effective.

== The Post Office at KellyGang ==

See also the list of towns with [[Post Office|Post Offices]] and Mail routes

== The Telegraph Office ==

The telegraph with the railway was seen by people in the 1870s as magic. They were the wonder technologies of their time. By telegraph you could get a message from one end of Victoria to the other in a few hours. Much shorter time than it took someone on a hose to do the same distance. Visit the [[Telegraph|Telegraph]] page to learn more

== Railway ==

The railway from [[Melbourne|Melbourne]] to [[Wodonga (2)|Wodonga]] was built in the 1870's. There was a spur line to [[Beechworth|Beechworth]]. The railway revolutionised travel and a local railway station was the best indication that a town had really made it. Learn more about the [[Railways|Railways]] of the Kelly Country and the [[Railway Stations|people]] who operated it.


[[Category:Things]] [[Category:Community things]] [[Category:Post office]] [[Category:Telegraph]] [[Category:Railway]] [[Category:Kelly Gang]] [[Category:bushrangers]] [[Category:police]] [[Category:history]]


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