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Full text of article

(see previous)

The inhabitants of Ghin Ghin complain bitterly that notwithstanding the large population of the district, and the large amount they contribute to the general revenue in the shape of publicans' and business licences, &c, they have, nevertheless, no police protection. A memorial on the subject was some time ago forwarded to the proper authorities; the only reply received was to the effect that the place was not of sufficient importance to warrant the stationing of a constable at Ghin Ghin, but that one of those worthy functionaries would be occasionally sent to visit the place. We. fully appreciate the moral effect of the presence of one of those dignitaries of the law; but we very much question whether a fortnightly visit will have sufficient influence in preventing drunken brawls and breaking of heads, which occasionally take place in the midst of such a large population as there is assembled at Ghin Ghin.



A public meeting was held at Pool's Golden Age Hotel , Jericho, on Friday evening last, for the purpose of taking steps to have the dray track cut from the top of the spur into that township. C B Chandler, Esq. in the chair. After alluding to the purpose for which the meeting had been called, The Chairman said there was no question at all about the necessity of a dray track being cut into the town. It was a matter of great importance to the diggers and store keepers of the whole district. He considered that they alone were to blame for the work not being carried out before now; for if the attention of the Government had been drawn to this matter, he had no hesitation in saying that they would have been enjoying the benefits of a good road to the Jordan long ago.

Mr R J Donaldson had to state that at the request of Mr Pool and himself, Mr Lawlor had kindly consented to survey the track down the spur, and report to this meeting upon the best method and probable cost of carrying out the proposed improvements. His report was now lying on the table.

The Chairman read the report, which showed that the whole of the works, including clearing, side cutting, bridge, and culverts, could be done for the sum of three hundred and sixty-five pounds, stg.

Mr Donaldson said it was a fact well known to the storekeepers, that the people of Jericho had to pay from three to four pounds a ton more for the cartage of their goods from Melbourne than the people of Matlock and Wood's Point, while the distance was only a mile or two greater. Now it appeared that an outlay of only £365 was all that was required to remedy this evil, and place us, if not on the same level, at least on an equal footing with our neighbours. He begged to propose "That the dwellers in Jericho and surrounding neighbourhood memorialise the Government on the subject, praying that they would extend a branch of the Black River dray track into the township of Jericho." Seconded by Mr. Gaffney, and carried.

Mr Pool said, that seeing that the people of the town had on two previous occasions contributed funds for the partial clearing of a track, and considering its importance as a mining district, and the large amount of gold annually sent from it to Melbourne, he had the greatest confidence that the petition would be favorably received, and the request granted, since it was the first time that the Government had been appealed to for assistance in carrying out improvements in the place. He begged to propose "that Mr R Donaldson be requested to draw up a memorial, setting forth the nature and necessity of the works required." Seconded by Mr Fraser, and carried.

Proposed by Mr McNamara, and seconded by Mr McCulla, "That Messrs Donaldson, Pool, and Gaffney, be appointed a committee to have the memorial signed and presented. Carried.

Several other propositions were carried, and after a few remarks from Mr Pool, upon the necessity of a bridge over the Jordan River, a vote of thanks to the Chairman terminated the proceedings.


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 ! The text has been retyped from a microfiche copy of the original.

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